Chapter 94

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—————————Oak's POV——————————

(Night of the bachelorette parties)

My phone buzzes and the screen lights up with a Pinstagram notification. I look closer at what the notification says and tap on it so it brings me to the app. At first I'm expecting it to be a half-drunk message from Reiya but instead I'm greeted with a post...

Rei SERIOUSLY thought that I'd be okay with her wearing that?! And what the hell is Ivy and Daisy wearing?!

I tap Liam and Sasha then point to the picture that was just posted by Reiya. Both of them growl and their animals take over. I quickly find Silas and show him the post too. However, Mika is the ONLY ONE wearing a decent swimsuit so he just laughs then begins realizing why I'm silent.

"Oh. Right. Let's go gather them I guess..."

I glare at him

"What?! We should go get them!"

Without a word I turn on my heels and march towards the beach, fuming.

(A few minutes pass)

I easily spot Reiya and clench my jaw trying not to pay attention to what she's wearing but on where she is while wearing it. I overtake Sasha, Liam and Silas, grab Reiya's arm and half drag, half carry her along with me.

After only a few steps I huff then decide to use my Vampire speed and carry Reiya home.

(A few minutes pass)

I toss her somewhat gently onto our bed then close our bedroom door before taking a seat in one of the chairs near the foot of the bed.

"What were you thinking? Why are you wearing that?! Out in public?!"

Ray stares at me blankly, "duh, It's cus I wanted to wear it so I did."

"But out in public?! Seriously! What were you thinking!?"

She starts dying of laughter but manages to say, "I knew it'd be funny, heheh, and that it'd, ahaha, get a reaction from you. Ahahahahahahahahaha! And it did! Ahahahahaha!"

I blow out a frustrated and angry breath then stand, "Do you know what you do to me? Especially dressed like that?! Are you trying to make me kill everyone who looks at you?"

Still laughing she slaps her knee shaking her head not fully realizing the way that I'm speaking.

"Ray! Look at me!" My monstrous side begins to come out.

Reiya calms her laughing down and looks me dead in the eyes, "what?"

She flops backwards onto the bed and I start pacing the room.

Whispering to myself I say, "God damnitt! If she wasn't so drunk right now... no! Stop! Can't think like that. Ugh!"

I look at her again then notice that she's passed out now. Mumbling to myself, "guess I should take her shoes off and actually put her in bed..."

I gently lift and move her in the bed then put the sheet over her after removing her heels. Running a hand over my face I pull out my phone to see if anyone has messaged me in the last few minutes. With no notifications or messages, I kick off my shoes and strip to my boxers before drawing the curtains closed tighter then climb onto my side of the bed.

Quickly, I lean over Reiya, turn off the lamp then place a kiss on her forehead before whispering "Sleep well my little Rey, we'll resume this in the morning..."

I stretch then pull the sheet over me as well and drift to sleep.

(The Morning Comes)

I roll onto my other side with my eyes still closed and drape my arm over... Reiya..? My eyes open quickly and I frantically look around our bedroom. Taking a deep breath, I finally find Reiya. She's walking out of our bathroom.

"So. Care to explain why you thought it was a good idea to wear," I motion to the swimsuit she's still wearing, "that, out to a public beach?"

Reiya gives me her best innocent look, "what? This?"

I clench my teeth and she giggles.

She walks to me slowly and stops beside me, bending down to my ear and whispers, "But I thought sky blue was you favourite..?"

I'm about to wrap my arm around her but she retreats to fast. I send her a good old glare which she shrugs off before turning to our dresser and bending at the waist to grab clothes from the middle drawer.

"Hmm... Wonder what I should wear... The wedding is in a bit but there's still a little while..."

"I'm sure you know already, but keep acting like this and..."

She grabs an outfit then scurries back to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. I growl at her in frustration then decide I may as well grab some clothes too and stand.

*click* The bathroom door unlocks.

I open the top drawer of the dresser and grab myself an outfit. I can't help but ask, "Enjoying the view?"

"Nope," she quickly replies but then mumbles "100%"

I quirk an eyebrow and turn to face her. When I'm facing her I notice that she's purposefully chosen her most revealing and tightest outfit.

"Are you?" She asks challengingly.

Making sure to be slow I look her over head to toe and motion for her to turn around, which she does without taking her eyes off me then turns back.

"I think you already know the answer to that, my Ray of sunshine..."

She smirks after making a point to look at my crotch then turns on her heels and leaves the room, exaggerating her movements and replies, "Yup, but sucks for you!"

I quietly laugh and shake my head before whispering, "Maybe right now but I'm sure you'll find our roles switched soon enough..."

Quickly I shower then get dressed before heading out of our bedroom. It doesn't surprise me when Ray's excitement over baking the cake for today rings out up the stairs.

Before heading to the kitchen I pop into my office and make sure nothing has been touched because I had left it unlocked last night.

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