Chapter 81

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————————Oak's POV————————

I've been searching all the hidden and sketchy places in town but still haven't found a trace of Reiya. Just as I'm about to take a break from looking, there's a weak link that pops up in my head. Curious I widen the connection and am able to get a location and notice it's my Ray contacting me. I pay as much attention to her as I can and she very weakly calls out for me. Feeling how dazed she is I immediately jump into action.

(Text Conversation)

• Oak

"What do you want us to do with that Oak..?"
• Sasha

"Yea... why'd you even send it? It's literally just a map showing a location..."
• Ivy

"Just get your asses there and get someone else to watch the babies..."
• Oak

"Fine, whatever 🤨"
• Ivy

"Kay, meet you there dude 👌🏻"
• Sasha

(Text Conversation Over)

Quickly I rush home and change into more athletic clothes. Then, I sprint to the approximate location of my sunshine. Sasha and Ivy did in fact meet me here as they arrived before me. The three of us start to comb the area for any clues when suddenly I'm tackled to the ground and pinned.

"Hey! What the fuck?!" Both Sasha and Ivy ignore me shouting and stare, unmoving, at whoever landed on me.

Sasha gets into a fighting stance but Ivy just laughs and whispers to Sasha that she's got this. I look at her confused but she shrugs then walks over to me and whoever. Her walk, to someone who didn't know her, would look flirty and she gives a fake, but real looking, seductive smile. Still confused, I'm about to ask what the hell she's trying to do when the person who was pinning me gets off.

Ivy rolls her eyes because the guy actually took her acting for reality and Sasha flashes the guy a deadly smile. He turns around, facing me and I can't believe my eyes... this dude has the same facial structure as well as build as me!? Who the fuck is this guy?

He curls his lips back in disgust, "Brother..."

"Who the hell are you talking to..? I'm an only child..."

"Right... and our 'father' loves us..." I can't believe his words, that would mean that my shitty 'father' was shittier of a father to someone else! "Heh, I'm Spruce. Now move."

I raise my eyebrows at his rude attitude but decide to ignore it. Sasha looks torn about something and Ivy looks like she wants to rip my newfound twin apart.

In a whisper Sasha says, "He's always been an asshole, I was supposed to be his mate but since I refused to spread my legs, he rejected me. Anyway, c'mon. I think Ivy found where Reiya is..."

Spruce must hear the last part because he rushes past us and makes a beeline towards a well hidden building. We all run along after him and none of us are prepared for what we see as we enter...

Spruce has grabbed the hunter who weirded me out and some random guy that Reiya seems to hate, is clutching his crotch in pain.

"Oh thank the Blood God, my Ray of sunshine is alright!" I look at Ray who looks relieved seeing me, but then I realize too late that Spruce has let go of the hunter, who is about to tackle Reiya.

She gets shoved to the ground, face-first, but flips positions with he/she. Unexpectedly she drags her claws across their eyes! A blood-curdling scream pierces through everyone's surprise. Just as she's about to get up, Spruce forces her out of the way of the hunter.

"Delua!? A-are you okay?!"

Everybody stares at Spruce shocked. From the corner of my eye, I can see Reiya looking at the hunter who must be Delua. Their eyes aren't looking very good with the two deep scratches across their eyes

"Sp-Spruce? Th-that's you, right..?" Delua reaches out to Spruce, their fright imbedded deep in their voice.

"I'm right here... Don't worry..." Spruce grasps Delua's hands, pulls them close and pecks their forehead.

"I... I can't see yo-u..." Delua chokes out.

Spruce whispers in confusion and worry, "Wh-what do you mean? Y-your eyes are open an-and you're looking r-right at me..."

We all gasps the reality setting in...Reiya probably just permanently blinded Delua..! It takes a second before Ray starts to apologize for scratching them so badly. Then the stranger begins trying to leave unnoticed but my sunshine spots him.

"Hey asshole! Why the fuck did you set a fucking bounty on my head? Huh!? Because I killed you asshat of a grandfather who tried to get me to marry you!? You deserve every single fucking punch and kick I give you! Especially because you forced yourself onto not only me, but also my little sister! You are a piece of shit!" I have to pick Reiya up to stop her from killing him but she doesn't stop trying...

I whisper into her ear, trying to calm her down which I am luckily able to do. It was difficult not to let her hurt him when I realized that he was probably one of the biggest reasons that Reiya hides behind a mask of happiness. Let's just say I allowed myself to imagine killing him but wish I could make it a reality...

Sasha must see how much I'm struggling to contain my monstrous side and thankfully, grabs Reiya and is able to hold her off.


I can't let him get away unscathed so when I think my sunshine isn't looking, I wind up and nail him square in the jaw with a punch. He doesn't even manage to properly scream, all that falls out is a squeak and a few teeth.

"OAK!!! Why are you allowed to punch him but I can't!? Let me at him!"

Sasha starts to fail at holding Reiya back but I easily lift her and jokingly put her over my shoulder, feeling a lot better. She continues to yell and scream about wanting him to suffer so I put her down but block her path.

"MOVE." There is the fire of revenge raging in her eyes.

I shake my head and give her a cheeky smile then, before she says anything more I capture her lips with mine.

Distraction? Success!

Slowly I release her lips and she looks into my eyes, something obviously on her mind...

"O-oak... I'm uh... heheheh... I'm pregnant..." Ray bites her lip, an obvious sign she doesn't know how I'll react.

In response I lift her slightly off the ground and gently trap her between me and a tree, kissing her with everything I can.

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