Chapter 37

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————————Ivy's POV————————

It's been almost a month since Sasha went into a coma that was caused by a poison. I have been spending my days in her hospital room and haven't been sleeping well at night.

Reiya has been doing her best to help me but seeing as her due date is drawing near, she hasn't been super mobile the past week. I put together a temporary bedroom on the main floor so she won't need to climb the stairs as often too. She still is baking and reading tons but we haven't really found anything new. All we know is that since I am a three-way hybrid, there is a slightly higher chance of me being capable of resisting the Lord's aura.

I have been making calls to Liam and occasionally Oak just trying to guarantee that they will be doing everything they can to help me resist the aura. Liam seems a whole lot more on board than Oak but I can't blame Oak. It's only been around 1/4th of a year since I turned 16. It must have hit him hard seeing me be claimed by Jake and then knowing that even after Jake was out of the picture I completely disregarded him. I don't know where Oak stands if I'm honest, he obviously wants me to be happy but he also probably wants me to be with him... I can't put too much faith in him resisting his father just to see me happy with someone else.

I can only hope Sasha wakes up today or tomorrow. The New Moon as well as Power Transfer Ceremony are the day after tomorrow and I don't think I will be able to resist the Lord's aura if I have no guarantee of Sasha waking up... Without Sasha it might just be better to give in, I know I would be treated way better than how I was treated by the pack... I may not be happy as the Lady of the local Coven, but at least I would have someone to share my burdens with I guess...

Currently I am in the Hospital cafeteria allowing my woes and worries to eat away at me, eat away at my courage as well as hope... I don't like feeling like this but it seems that no matter how amazing things get in my life, I always end up right at the beginning again. Sighing I close my eyes and clear my mind of as much negativity as I can. Taking a deep breath in I make my way back to Sasha's room, thankful that there aren't any stairs.

My belly has been growing still and it's worrying me more with every day that passes. I scheduled another appointment with the doctor for tomorrow and am hoping that she will tell me what she hid last time... I don't want to be worried about complications that could hinder removing the baby I lost.

I ease myself into the seat that's right beside Sasha's bed and hold her hand, zoning out while watching the vitals monitor.

"Ahem," I turn quickly towards the sound and see the doctor walk towards me. "I'm afraid that visitation is over now..."

My shoulders droop, "is there anyway I can stay longer?" A bit of desperation invading my voice.

"I wish that I could allow that but I can't, I am truly sorry. If there had been documentation of you being related or married I might have been able to convince the overnight staff, but unfortunately you don't have any..." He rubs his neck awkwardly with a downcast look, "I'm sorry..."

"...alright..." I sigh, "can I at least have a minute to say goodbye? I'm not sure that I will be back tomorrow and I know I won't be the day after..." I feel all the hope I had that Sasha would wake crumble, the depressing truth that I won't be able to resist without her there.

The doctor looks at me apologetically and gives me a sad half-smile and nods, "Sure... I can give you two minutes before the night staff do their rounds."

"Thank you..." I feel as though I am buried deep within the ground and huge rocks are crushing my chest. I barely notice the doctor leaving before tears start to fall. "I wish we had more time... a month isn't enough for someone to heal from a mysterious poison, it just isn't! I don't know what the future will be like, I want to be able to wait for you forever... But I can't, I don't have the strength in me to pull through the New Moon without you. I'm not sure if I will be able to resist for long if at all, I really hope I can but I'm doubtful... Just know that no matter what, my heart will always truly belong to you. I love you Sasha, I love you more than I thought I could..." a shuddering breath escapes my lips as I slowly get out of my seat and head for the door. I begin turning the knob and take one last look, one last look at the woman who holds my heart but cannot truly protect it from the pain it feels now.

———————Reiya's POV———————

Ivy got back later today, she looks more broken than I had seen her since she was first rescued from Jake. I don't know what I can do anymore, I have done everything I can. I hate seeing her like this, sure she had been a bit introverted when we met but, she definitely wasn't as quiet as she has been the past month.

I'm about to go over to her when she sinks to the floor leaning against a wall. She does her best to curl up but can't because of her belly. Silent sobs rack her figure and not too long after she stills. I get up as fast as I can, panic rising, but then see she is still breathing. She had fallen asleep, probably exhausted in all aspects and drained of her light.

Slowly I grab a spare blanket from the linen closet and drape it over her as best I can. I then grab a couch pillow and slide it, with lots of trouble, behind her back so she won't be sore later. I then decide I had better get some rest too. I know that I will need as much energy tomorrow as I can. As quick as I can, I slip into my sleep wear and cuddle under my blanket in my temporary bed. With a yawn I rest my head on the pillow and drift to sleep.

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