Chapter 10

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Finally I unpacked my stuff. Its not like i had a lot but I was extremely lazy... I couldn't stop thinking about that girl from the café. She was really mysterious and I want to actually meet her.

—————-A few minutes later-————

Determined to find out more about that mysterious girl I decided to go back to the café. I order myself a caramel frappe and sit down so I can see the door clearly. I allow myself to semi-zone out and jump when someone taps me.

"Uh, hey..." They say softly.

I look over to where the voice came from and my eyes widen. It was the girl!

"H-hello!" I stutter still shocked.

She softly laughs "I noticed you the other day and was wondering if you were new around here."

"Oh, umm... yeah. I am new to the area. I'm sorry for starting the other day..."

She laughs again "it's okay, I was kinda staring a bit too. Anyway, can I sit with you?"

"Sure! I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Rose" I say holding my hand out to shake, mentally scolding myself for using my wolf's name instead of mine.

"I'm Sasha. It's nice to properly meet you!"

"Tell her she's pretty" blurts out my wolf.

I immediately start blushing thankful that she didn't take control and actually say it out loud.

"No! We literally JUST met!" I scold my wolf.

"Ahem... uh... Rose?" Sasha calls my attention back to her

"Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to ignore you!" I rush out

Sasha laughs "It's okay! Social interaction is hard hahaha"

"Why must that be true" I jokingly answer "How long have you been in this area?"

"Haha, well I've lived here my whole life." Then she mumbles "Not that I've had much of a choice thought..."

"Wait, what do you mean that you don't have a choice?" I blurt forgetting that I technically shouldn't have been able to hear the last part.

Sasha looks at me shocked. "You could hear that..?"

"Oh uhm... no..? Heheheh..." I carefully say trying to play it off.

"I knew it! I knew you weren't human!" She whisper-yells. Now in a full whisper, she says: "Come with me! Away from prying ears..."

I know that I'm probably reading too much into it but i feel as though she wanted to get out of the café for a little while... "Alright" I whisper back.

"I know the perfect place we can talk without having to worry about human ears... lets go."


That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed it! I got some really good ideas from one of my friends (who also writes Wattpad stories)! Her user is: Shu_Fc  so please show her some love!!!

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