Chapter 54

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I force myself to open my eyes as my hearing pops back in causing me to scrunch my eyes closed again with discomfort. Taking a deep breath, I re-open my eyes and my vision spins. There's a subtle pounding in my head and Ember is out of reach. Suddenly remembering what happened... however long ago... I frantically scan the room, squinting to focus my vision, searching for Lyath. Sighing in relief that Lyath is unharmed, as far as I can tell, I relax a little.

Next I take in my surroundings, it seems like I'm in some sort of old castle that I'm pretty sure had been abandoned... There are cobwebs everywhere and it doesn't look like it's been dusted in at least a decade. I'm bound to a chair with silver chains, in the middle of what I assume used to be a ballroom.

I huff out a breath and take a closer look at Lyath. It seems that they are unaware of Lyath being able to support the weight of his head and roll because they placed him on a small round table. He's sound asleep but I worry that they drugged him too... If they did, Lyath could suffer the consequences for the rest of his life! This is an especially large probability since he's a hybrid... I really hope Lyath just fell asleep on his own.

"Oh, It appears my princess has woken up! Did you sleep well dear?" He walks towards me and I'm tempted to spit in his face but stop myself because he could take it out on Lyath...

I just look at him blankly, "What do you want Spruce? What was the purpose of kidnapping me and my son?"

"Well, that's for me to know," he pauses "and for you to find out..."

"Wow... so cryptic!" I know I should have tried harder to contain my sarcasm but sometimes it's uncontrollable.

"Watch your mouth! You wouldn't like it if I were to punish you sweetheart..." It seems like in the year-and-a-half it's been since he left.

"Don't tell me you actually thought I would respond sans sarcasm... Unlike you, I'm the same girl that you left. Except that I've learned, love shouldn't be one sided! Not even if the person you love is your mate!!"

He rolls his eyes, "Rrrriiiigghtt... I'm the the one who changed. *bitter laugh* It's not at all like you're a completely different person."

"Different person?! I don't know who you're remembering... I have the exact same hair, style of clothes and personality! Literally all that's changed is the amount of things I've learned."

Spruce raises an eyebrow, "So this baby you keep calling your son, isn't actually your son? The town you live in is still Bracken Burrow? You still wear a single green contact lense?" I look at him straight faced, absolutely no emotion, "Mhmm, thought so..."

I ignore everything else he says, he's always been quite the talker. Sometimes I can't believe that I had thought I loved him! Spruce used to be a great guy, he was an amazing mate at first! But, something happened and he rejected me. The day after, he was nowhere to be seen.  It tore me up so much and after a week I decided that a change of scenery would do me good. I still cried over him for way longer than he deserved.

Never again will I just let something happen. I mean, sure, I'm overjoyed to have met someone as wonderful as Ivy but if he hadn't hurt me the way he did... I never would have gotten to where I am now. So I guess in a way, he is right, I am a completely different person however, I changed for the better... he took a turn for the worst.

*Slap!* "Listen to me when I'm talking to you!! I asked, who's son is that?!" He points to Lyath.

I know it'll probably make him mad but I'm not gonna lie about finding a second chance... Why lie about the best thing that happened to me? "He's my mate's. She was raped and got pregnant. She was going to have twins, but she miscarried one of them. She didn't notice that she still had a baby in her at the time. But, he was there! *soft sad laugh*"

As expected, Spruce curls his lips in anger, "Your what?!"

"My mate's. He's my mate's son. Which I guess also makes him my son by extension..." he narrows his eyes and snarls, almost like a Coyote or Wolf shifter.

"You replaced me!?"

"No..." I speak slowly so he can process what I say, "You left me and after mentally beating myself up for 1.5 years, I moved on."

He doesn't seem to pay any attention to my words, his vampire getting closer and closer to taking control. He just keeps repeating angrily "she replaced me" over and over again, it sounds so mad but also like he's a bit sad..? Spruce hasn't been someone who has regrets but, I guess time did slightly change him for the better.

————————Reiya's POV————————

The past few hours or so, Oak has been extremely protective over Mia and me... ever since he got that mysterious message. Of course he refuses to tell me what's got him so rattled! I ended up messaging Ivy that I was probably going to stay at the Coven house tonight, to which she agreed and practically begged me to stay here for a while... I wonder what has everyone acting so odd..?

Oak stands from his bed and gives me a look that says 'Don't you dare leave'. I roll my eyes and laugh a little in response which only earns me a tiny smile. Damn Oak needs something to lighten his mood!

Once he actually leaves the room, I stare at the spot he was just laying. I notice something buried in the blankets and don't hesitate to grab it. It's his phone! If I'm lucky he won't have tapped the notification earlier...

YES! I slide down the notification area and tap on a random message. Annoyingly, he has a passcode :( Oh well! I can take a few guesses. His password is 5 digits long and can be letters, numbers or a combination of both. Damn thats a lot of possibilities... Welp! Better get to it!

My Hybrid TroublesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora