Chapter 4

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Sorry for the late update but I'm Canadian so I was celebrating yesterday. Anyway just remember this story is fiction and my grammar as well as spelling is NOT perfect. Enjoy!


I had no idea of why my nightmare was so different this time, I was terrified. Usually they don't feel so real and I'm able to 'roll over & go back to sleep' but this time I couldn't. I didn't recognize the Albert guy who did the unspeakable. When my dreams broke out of the ordinary cycle it mainly meant that a part would come true.


I'm fucking screwed!

Daisy and her mother are pretending that everything is going to be fine and I seriously don't even want to know what school is going to be like while I still have that terrible nightmare in my head. Oh well. I guess I'll have to suck it up.
After period one and two finished I was able to escape the crowd and get to my favourite spot, the lightly wooded area on property. Luckily, Oak was also having a good day and he was capable of avoiding me so far. I really hope that the rest of the day goes well.
Fuck Ya! The rest of school went great! Nobody bothered me and tomorrow is Daisy and Liam's date!!! Whoop whoop. I really need a life *mental face-palm*

I even got away homework free. Today is amazing! There is only three more school days until my birthday, I can't wait for my freedom that comes with it!
Wednesday 4:30 p.m.

Daisy just got picked up and lets just say she looks gorgeous! She promised to tell me everything that happens tonight!
Thursday 7:00 a.m.

Last night, Daisy had an amazing time. Her and Liam ended up agreeing to make it official even though it was only one date. They are adorable together. The only issue with this is now imma be alone during school today, after school today and during school tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see each other tomorrow before I get 'home'. If we don't then I guess that I'll be alone before facing the pain to come.
Friday 2:50 p.m.

Daisy just sent me a text saying she won't be able to come say goodbye. I really wish her and Liam the best though, they work together perfectly.
5:30 p.m.

I just finished setting up my little picnic and sleeping bag up out in my backyard. I already feel the pain starting but it won't get too bad until around midnight tomorrow. I am super scared of how badly it will hurt and I'm worried that my first potential mate won't keep his promise to show up. I really hope he will though.

Because of my late siblings deaths the local Alpha and vampire Lord will have to be there.




My possible mates.

BOTH of them (if the first one keeps his promise)

This means that I will have to get marked by one. So I am claimed as one of their mates.

This also means that while I am trying to remain partially in control of my wolf Rose, they will be fighting for me.

For fucks sake!!!

I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow but I know that no matter which one of them wins I won't go down without my own fight. I am not some weak omega! I am a beta and a Lord's second in command. I never make others do my work and I never will back away from my fights. I am strong. I am smart. And I will never sit idle while guys do the 'heavy-lifting'.

Saturday 12:00 p.m. (Lunch)




I am in soo much pain! I shouldn't be almost shifting yet! There is still twelve hours before the moon is at its peak!


I can sense someone though. It, It, It seems like, The, The lords son. Why is he here already?

"Rose? Are you okay?"

"Uuuuggggghhhhhhh!! No! I am notttttt ooookkkaaaaaaaayyyyy!" I scream back in extreme pain. "I shouldn't be shifffftttting yettt!"

"Shifting?" He questions. "Aren't you a vampire?"

"Arrrggghhhhh! Onllyyyyy paaartt! Ughhh! Can't you smell the, agghhhhh, she-wolf in me?!"

*sniff* "Ah! I can now that you mention it. But I also smell two more werewolves nearby."

"It's, ugghhh, the Alpha and his son. Arrgghhhh! My other potential mate is the Alpha's son. Ahhhhh!" I respond, still in extreme pain.

"Oh. Why aren't they coming closer like me and my father? Shouldn't they?" He asks, completely ignoring my screams of agony.

"They... don't need to, ugghhhh, yet. I shouldn't be shifting until... agghhhh! Midnight. Now stop sitting there like an idiot and help reduce my pain! Only you and the Alpha's son can... uuugggghhhhhh!"

"Oh! Yeah, sorry." He replies awkwardly while changing his position so that he can move my spazing self partly onto his lap.

"Ahhhhh! ... fucckkkkk! It's not working as much as it should!" I groan mostly to myself.

I know why though. It's because my other possible mate is nearby. My body can sense it.

So. I do the only thing that my pain filled self can think of. I scream-call out for him.

"Jake! I know you're here! Help to ease my pain! You know that I won't be able to shift tonight if my body tries now. If I shift now I won't make it! I'll die because of the pain and impossibility of a double first day shift." I try to convince him (Jake, the Alpha's son) to help with my discomfort.

I can hear his father urging him to come help me before another wave of pain courses through my body.

"Aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!" I scream out louder than any time before.

That is what it takes to convince Jake to help me. He runs over to me and Oak, pulling my legs over him so my pain is minimized. Once both Jake and Oak are helping ease my pain I blackout. But before I do, I hear...

"It's only a few more hours now before the moon rises. Once it does, an early shift won't be as bad. Her body won't try to shift twice if the moon is up." The Alpha tells Oak and Jake.

As darkness claims my sight, I relax knowing that I should be able to make it through my sixteenth birthday. I will be the only child from the Martin family (other than my mother) to make it through the first shift.

Then, the void consumes me.
Sorry again for the late update but I did try not to take too long. Remember that if there are any mistakes feel free to comment them and I really hope you people enjoy my book so far!

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