Start from the beginning

Once the girl brought him inside the room, she yelled "Madam Pomfrey, we got another one"

The woman then wasted no time bringing the boy to bed "Why haven't you come earlier?"

"He's way too stubborn Madam Pomfrey but at last, I brought him" said Bluebell earning a slap on the arm from the said boy. "I'm not stubborn, I just... I had too much to do"

Blue scoffs as she sits in one of the chairs next to his bed "mmhmm"

"You children think you are invincible" huffs the woman as she looks for the potion after a few minutes of research she turns to the two "My dear, you need to wait a little more. I seem to lack of pepperup potion but I'll go bring some more"

The woman left to bring the potion and Bluebell stayed next to Eric who kept sniffing and shifting on his bed.

"This beds are fucking uncomfortable."

"Here, let me help" said the girl before grabbing his pillow and punching it slightly.

Blue then place it behind his head "there"

Eric slumped down, he shifted for a few seconds before nodding "it's nice I guess"

"Thank you bluebell, my dearest friend, the light of my dark world, the chocolate of my frog, the—" bluebell mocks before she was interrupted by him

"Eww, you make us sound like a couple"

"A couple of besties"

"Shut up Bluebell" said Eric closing his eyes cuddling into the bed.

Blue snorted, she then put on her glasses and looked around the room when Ginny and Percy entered the Wing. Percy frowned when he didn't see the healer.

"Bluebell" he said when he notice the girl

Blue smiled at him "Percy, fancy meeting you here"

Her eyes turn to Ginny who looks quite pale, the ginger have been looking sick for at least a week or two, Bluebell, Lavender and Lorena had been telling her to get the potion but she, like Eric, hadn't done it. Bluebell also noticed that she had been acting a little weird, Ginny was always the girl to ask how their day went and making sassy remarks here and there. Now all she does is write in her diary.

Bluebell tried to ask but the ginger always waved it off as if it wasn't a big thing.

"Ginny, finally listening?" Said Bluebell

"I'm fine. I'm just pleasing prefect Percy or else he won't stop bothering" Ginny glare at his brother who gave her a look.

"Being sick might affect your school performance greatly."

Ginny rolled her eyes but said nothing.

Blue snorted and turn to her friend and slap his forehead "Heard that Eric? being sick might affect your grades"

Eric only murmured something gibberish without opening his eyes.

"He's sick too?" Percy asks nodding his head at the sleeping boy on the bed.

"Nah, he fell down the stairs." Bluebell lied waving her hand as if it was nothing.

Ginny and Percy eyes widen. Ginny leaned forward to get a better look of  Eric. "Really?"

"Aye." Bluebell nods, a smirk trying to take over her face. "Fell seven flights of stairs, he tripped over some of grease that liked off Snape's  hair and landed on Flitwick, poor man got squashed into the floor like a proper pancake."

Ginny laughed shaking her head realizing her dormmate was lying, while Percy scowled at her. "Lovely Bluebell, where is Madam Pomfrey?"

"She's bringing more potions."

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