74 - The Mountain Air

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Alex was surprised by how well she was adapting to married life. She loved being committed to another person and sharing her life with Paul. Even though they have been together for months before actually getting married, Alex felt a different level of affection every time she opened her eyes in the morning and saw him lying in bed next to her.

Paul had gained 7 pounds in the first 3 months of their marriage, but then managed to lose it back and maintained his original weight. He was still travelling back and forth between London and Paris to ensure both B&G offices were at their top performance, but he kept his travels short so that he could be home with his new wife for most of the week.


Two years after Alex officially signed on with B&G London, her portfolio was expanded to International jobs. She started with Paris, then Amsterdam, Milan, and Madrid within the first year. By the third year, she had even ventured to Africa and Asian regions. 

Paul was having a hard time adapting to her being away so much, so whenever he could, he would join her. He called it their extended honeymoon period.

One fine day in mid Spring, Alex was on an outdoor photoshoot somewhere on the foothills of the Alps in Switzerland. The surroundings were picture perfect, with wild flowers blooming in bright colours and the white mountains in the background. The air was so fresh, you could bottle it up and sell it for top dollars.

Which was why Alex found it weird that she felt sick that morning. She managed to keep down a slice of toast and a few sips of orange juice, but as the day went on, the sicker she felt.

She tried to remain professional and managed to keep it up until late afternoon. But as she went in for the third change of clothing, she found herself bent over the bin and hurling her stomach contents, causing panic among the crew. They decided to cut the day short.

Alex went back to the hotel and took a couple of Aspirins before curling up in bed. After a few minutes, she fell asleep from exhaustion.


Alex stirred when she felt a hand on her head. She opened her eyes slowly and Paul's face came into vision. "Paul?"

"Hi love, how are you feeling?" he asked softly, caressing the top of her hair. 

"Awful," Alex said, groaning into the pillow. Then she peered at him with one eye. "I can't really tell if you're really here or I'm just hallucinating."

Paul leaned down and kissed her. "I'm here. Liam the photographer called me, told me you were not feeling well," he explained.

"How did you get here so fast?"

Paul chuckled. "Borrowed a jet from a friend."

"Must be a good friend," Alex commented and smiled at him weakly.

Paul kissed her forehead. "You feel warm. You might have a fever."

"I blame the mountain air," she said jokingly.

Paul chuckled and said, "I've brought a doctor with me. Will you let him examine you?"

"Did you borrow him from a friend, too?" she asked.

Paul chuckled and kissed her again. "I don't know how you can joke at a time like this," he said softly. Then he added, "I'll be right back, stay put."

"No, I'm rolling away."

Paul chuckled and shook his head as he headed for the door. He opened it and an elder, bald man in a dark grey suit came inside. "Hello there, I'm Dr Keller," he said with a big smile and a thick Austrian accent.

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