63 - The Little Cottage

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Alex rested her head back on the headrest and watched the rolling hills in the distance as they drove along the country road. She turned her head to the other side and watched Paul. He looked very comfortable behind the wheels of the white Range Rover Evoque they were riding. He took his eyes away from the road for a second to glance at her. 

"Are you alright?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," she replied, sighing contently. 

Paul reached out for her hand and she took it. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it, whilst keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"I still can't believe you manage to convince Caroline to give me a week off," Alex said happily, squeezing his hand. 

"Wasn't an easy feat," Paul admitted. "I got an earful about being biased and showing favouritism."

Alex chuckled. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"I don't mind," Paul said, smiling. "I could tell she was secretly happy for us."

Alex recalled the conversation she had with Caroline when she first started seeing Paul. "She really cares about you."

"Hm," Paul smiled, "We've been friends a really long time. She's like a big sister."

Alex smiled and turned her attention back to the sloping green hills. It really was beautiful out on the countryside.


Paul unlocked the door to the cottage and held it open for Alex to go inside. She walked in and gasped. The cottage was large and airy, decorated in white and natural wood. The living room and kitchen were separated by a large island cum dining table. On the left was the stairs to go up to the upper floor. To the right, folding doors opened up to the beautiful view of the rolling hills. 

"Welcome to Baker's Cottage," Paul said.

Alex turned to him, raising her eyebrow. "Named it yourself, did you?"

Paul chuckled as he put their luggages at the foot of the stairs. There was a knock at the door and Paul went to answer it. An elder woman with red short curly hair peered inside with a wide smile on her face.

"Mrs Wilson, good to see you," Paul greeted her and invited her in.

"Lord Baker, so wonderful to see you again," Mrs Wilson said and gave Paul a motherly embrace.

"I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Alex Smith."

Alex approached her with a smile and extended her hand for a handshake. 

"Oh, come here dear," Mrs Wilson said as she pulled Alex into an embrace. "It is very nice to meet you." She pulled back and patted Alex's cheek gently. "Such a beautiful face."

Alex chuckled and thanked her.

"Mrs Wilson is the caretaker for Baker's Cottage. She lives just over the hill," Paul explained.

"Yes, and if you need anything at all during your stay, just give me a ring," Mrs Wilson told Alex. She turned to Paul and said, "I whipped up a nice beef stew for lunch. Would you mind helping me take them from the car?"

"Not at all," Paul replied and he went with Mrs Wilson. 

Alex opened the folding doors and felt the fresh breeze blowing into the room. She stood there and just stared at the view. It was simply breathtaking.

Paul and Mrs Wilson returned with a large pot and a basket of goodies. 

"You don't want to leave that door open for too long, dear. It gets really cold up here," Mrs Wilson informed Alex.

"Thank you, Mrs Wilson. I'll close it in a bit," Alex said to her. 

They put everything on the island. Mrs Wilson reminded Paul where all the plates and cutleries were.

"Well, I should get going," Mrs Wilson said. She turned to Alex and said, "I hope to see you again."

"You too. And thank you," Alex said to her.

Mrs Wilson turned to Paul and held his face. "I'm happy everything worked out. You look happier than you did a few months ago." She gave him another hug before she left.

Alex closed the folding doors and turned to Paul. "You were here a few months ago?"

"Yes," Paul replied and then he changed the subject, "So, what do you want to do now?"

Alex pointed at the food on the island. "Maybe lunch?"

Paul looked at the food in disinterest. "Hm."

Alex narrowed her eyes at him. "Unless you have something else in mind?"

Paul glanced at her and she could see the glint in his eyes. He held his hands behind his back and approached her slowly. "You haven't seen the bedrooms. They are upstairs."

Alex walked backwards, maintaining the space between them. She recognised the look he was giving her, but she wanted to play. "Why would I care about the bedrooms? It's still light out." She walked around the island, with Paul on the other side. "Maybe there are other activities that we can do?" she suggested, grinning at him. 

Paul exhaled and smirked. "The only activity I'm interested in," he said huskily, "Is shagging you on every surface in this house."

Alex bit her lip and said playfully, "You have to catch me first."

They looked at each other across the island, waiting for someone to make the first move. Suddenly Paul lurched around the table towards her. Alex shrieked and run towards the stairs, laughing as she goes. Paul was right on her heels, chasing her upstairs.


Alex sighed in contentment. They were in bed, with Paul's arm around her, after a satisfying sex romp. He was propped up with his pillows against the headboard. Alex was resting her head against his chest.

The bedroom had a large window with picture perfect view of the sceneries. 

"I can't get over this view," Alex said quietly.

"Wait until you see the sunrise rising from the horizon," Paul said softly, "I imagined it's what heaven looks like." He kissed her hair and added, "We should come back in winter. With the snow covering the grounds, it's a whole different level of beauty."

Alex peered up at him and asked, "Is that why you came here a few months ago? For the view?"

Paul chuckled. "No, not really," he said, "I was trying to clear my head."

"From what?"

Paul sighed. "From you."

Alex sat up and frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

Paul smacked his lips and asked, "Do you remember your first weekend in London?"

"Yeah, of course," Alex replied.

He held her arm and asked, "Do you remember what happened after we kissed?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "I kicked you out of my apartment."

"You did," Paul said. "And then I saw you kiss that bloke during the book launch. The message was pretty clear. You didn't feel the same way about me. So I came out here hoping that I could forget you."

"Did it work?" Alex asked.

Paul furrowed his eyebrows at her. "I just shagged you senseless a few minutes ago. What do you think?"

Alex chuckled and Paul grinned.

"It worked for a while, but I was miserable," he explained. He smiled at her and said, "And you know the rest of that story."

Alex climbed on top of him and straddled him. Paul held her waist and she rested her hands on his chest. They looked into each other's eyes, feeling the emotions that was passing between them. 

"I love you," Alex said to him softly.

Paul smiled. "I love you."

She leaned down and kissed him, putting all her emotions into the kiss. He did the same. She felt his hands moved from her waist to her ass and she knew where this was going.

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