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Alex pushed open the glass door and stepped inside. It has been a decade since she last stepped foot in that place, but it felt more like forever. The martial arts centre looked almost the same, except for the yellowing white walls. 

Alex took a deep breath and exhaled. She wondered what Master Yoshi was going to say when he sees her.

The centre was currently deserted. Alex walked towards the bulletin board on the left wall. She remembered Master Yoshi liked to post pictures of his students there. She was glad to see that he hasn't changed.

Alex looked at each photos and chuckled to herself. Master Yoshi did not smile in any of them. Then her eyes caught on one of the oldest photos on the board, based on the discolouration. It was the only photo that captured Master Yoshi smiling.

It was a photo of him with Alex, little Michael, and Shirley the florist. The photo was taken in front of the centre. Alex smiled wistfully.

"Can I help you?"

Alex turned towards the voice. It belonged to a young Chinese man. He was dressed in full Judo uniform.

"Hi, yes," Alex replied, straightening up and facing him. "I'm looking for Master Yoshi."

"He will be out in a few minutes," the man said. Then he added, "In the mean time, can I help you with anything? Perhaps you would like to see our class schedule?"

Alex tilted her head and frowned slightly as she looked at the man. He looked very familiar to her. "What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Michael," he replied with a smile and extended his hand to her.

Alex shook his hand and suddenly she knew she recognised him. "Michael? Little Michael? You were a student here?"

It was Michael's turn to frown. "Yes," he said, "How did y-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Alex pulled him into a tight hug. "OMG, I can't believe its you! You've grown so much!" Michael didn't hug her back. When she pulled away from him, she could see that he looked more confused than before. Alex chuckled and said, "Michael, it's me, Alex. Don't you recognise me?"

It took him a few seconds to remember her. Then his eyes widened significantly and his mouth dropped. "Alex? No way!" He gripped her shoulders and looked at her from top to bottom. "You look so different!"

Alex smiled and ruffled his hair adoringly. "It's me, little man."

Michael laughed and pulled her into his arms. "I've missed you so much," he said.

She tightened her hold around him and replied, "Me too."

"What is going on?"

At the sound of the gruff voice, Alex and Michael pulled away from their hug and turned towards Master Yoshi. He was glaring at them disapprovingly, a deep frown on his wrinkled face.

Alex went to stand in front of him, and bowed respectfully. "Master Yoshi, so good to see you again."

"Who are you?" he asked. Clearly he didn't recognise her either.

Alex straightened up and smiled at him. "Perhaps I shouldn't have used the front door. Maybe you would remember me if I walked in from the back alley after spending the night behind the dumpsters?" she asked, hoping to jog his memory.

"Dumpsters?" Master Yoshi asked, his tone clipped. "What in the world are you-"

Then, just like with Michael, Master Yoshi's eyes enlarged and he gasped. Alex chuckled but she could feel the tears brimming on her eyelids. "Did you forget about me?" she asked jokingly.

"Alex?" Master Yoshi asked in a loud whisper. His chest was raising and falling rapidly.

Without another word, Alex stepped forward and hugged the fragile old man. She felt his arms snaked around her body and hugged her back. She felt his body shake and she knew he was crying. She was crying too.

After a while, she pulled back and sniffled. Master Yoshi cupped her face and smiled through his tears. "I didn't think I would ever see you again," he said to her.

"Are you kidding? After everything you've done for me?" she said to him. She reached up and wiped the tears away from his cheeks. "You look good, but tired. Did you overworked yourself again?" she scolded mildly.

"Why do you think I hired Michael to help me?" Master Yoshi responded. They both turned to look at Michael, who was watching them silently.

At the mention of his name, Michael snorted. "Because I'm qualified, of course," he replied.

The three of them laughed. Then Master Yoshi asked Alex, "How have you been? You look well."

Alex beamed and replied, "I've been great. In fact, I'd like you to meet some people."

"Who?" Master Yoshi asked, frowning.

Alex held up her finger and said, "Wait here." She went to the door and peered outside. Then, she came back in with Paul and their two kids. Alex held Sophie Rose's hand and led her to Master Yoshi. "I'd like you to meet my family," she said to Master Yoshi happily.

Master Yoshi grabbed his chest and laughed. He shook his head in disbelieve. 

"This is Sophie Rose," Alex introduced her daughter and Sophie Rose leaned against her leg while smiling up shyly at Master Yoshi. Alex turned towards Paul and gently caress their son's soft hair. Paul was carrying him in his arms. "This is our son, Timothy." Then she exchanged loving smiles with Paul, before saying, "And this is my husband, Paul."

Alex turned towards Master Yoshi. He was looking at her family with a look of pure happiness on his face. He clamped his mouth shut but his chest was bobbing. Alex knew he was forcing himself not to cry.

Alex went towards him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. She squeezed his shoulders and kissed his cheek. "You're the reason I have all this now," she said softly.

Master Yoshi sobbed and shook his head. "I am so proud of you," he said hoarsely, with tears pouring down his face.

Alex kissed his cheek again and wiped away the tears rolling down her cheeks. She looked at Paul. He was smiling at them. "Paul, this is Master Yoshi," Alex introduced them, her voice shaking slightly. "This is the man that saved my life." 

Paul extended his right hand to Master Yoshi and Master Yoshi grabbed it with both of his.

"And Master Yoshi, I'd like you to meet the man that changed my life."


Alex wondered how her life turned out to be as it was. She didn't have an easy childhood, living in poverty and surrounded by her mother's despair. She barely knew her father, losing him when she was little. Then to lose her mother at the time when she needed her the most, she could have easily ruined her life with bad choices, like her mother did.

Her life was like a roller coaster, with non-stop 360 degrees upside down turns. But every time she fell, she managed to get up again and become stronger than before. 

She was grateful for everyone she met in her life, those that hurt her and those that helped her. Without each of them, she wouldn't be where she was today, with the love of her life and two beautiful children that light up her whole life.

So don't give up, never give up. Your happily ever after is waiting for you. Continue your journey, no matter how hard it is, and you'll get there.

**If you like my story, please tell your friends :)**

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