64 - The Countryside

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In the next few days, Paul showed Alex almost everything that the countryside had to offer. They went for long walks along the cliffs by the ocean, picnics in the meadow, a visit to the various castles, wine tastings and many other activities. Plus, he kept his promise to shag her on every available surfaces in the cottage, including the empty walls.

Paul was right about the sunrise, too. Alex caught it on the first morning, waking up just as the sun started to show it's brilliant light in the horizon. She was temporarily blindsided by the combination of yellow, blue and green, filtered by the fog over the meadows. Like Paul said, it was possible that heaven looks exactly like what she was seeing.

She remembered turning to Paul and watching him sleep. He looked younger and serene as he slumbered. She didn't have the heart to wake him up after the late hours of lovemaking activities. He deserved to rest. So she lay back on her pillow and slowly drifted back to sleep.

She didn't miss any sunrise while they stayed there.


Mrs Wilson had invited them to dinner. Naturally, they accepted. 

Seeing as the cottage wasn't that far from Mrs Wilson's house, they decided to walk there. Alex chose to go with ballet flats to make the journey easier on her feet.

They were walking along the road, holding each other's hands. The air was brisk that night. Alex was glad she decided to wear her coat. 

"Are you alright, love?" Paul asked her. 

She turned to him. He was looking sexy in a black sweater and jeans. She wrapped her hands around his arm and sighed deeply. "Yes, love."

He leaned in and kissed her softly

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He leaned in and kissed her softly. "The house is just up there," he said, pointing forward. 

They arrived at Mrs Wilson's house and Paul knocked on the front door. An elder man with white hair and wearing a red sweater answered the door.

"Good evening, Mr Wilson," Paul greeted him with a smile.

"Lord Baker! So good to see you! Please, come in," Mr Wilson said cheerily.

They stepped inside and Paul shook hands with Mr Wilson. "This is my girlfriend, Alex Smith," he introduced them.

"How do you do, Ms Smith?" Mr Wilson smiled at her as he shook her hand.

"Good. It's nice to meet you," Alex said to him.

He invited them to the sitting room where a roaring wood fire was dancing merrily in the fireplace. The house felt warm and cozy. Mr Wilson offered them a drink before dinner.

"Is Mrs Wilson in the kitchen? Can I lend a hand?" Alex asked him. He gave her the go ahead and she went to the kitchen.

Mrs Wilson was putting the finishing touches on the roasted chicken and potatoes. She looked up and beamed as Alex walked into the kitchen. "Welcome to our home dear. Dinner is just about ready." She wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and gave Alex a quick hug. "Ooh, your cheeks are cold! Did you walk here?"

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