34 - The Single Dad

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Alex exhaled and unlocked the door. Then she walked away and she could hear Andy's footsteps following her. Alex headed to the end of the hallway to get to her private elevator. She inserted her key and pressed the call button. When the elevator doors opened, she stepped inside and Andy followed her. She pressed the button and the doors closed before the carriage moved upwards.

The elevator doors opened directly into her living room, which was one of the unique features of the loft. Alex took off her jacket and hung it on the coat stand near the elevator. "You can hang your jacket there," she told Andy. Then she went straight to the kitchen and pulled out a couple of mugs from the cabinets. She poured coffee into them, splashed some cream in and stirred them with a small spoon.

She picked up the mugs and carried them to the living room, walking past Andy who was standing around awkwardly. She placed the second mug down on the coffee table before taking a seat on the sofa and crossing her legs. She brought the mug up to her face and took a sip.

Andy gingerly walked around the coffee table and sat down beside her. He glanced at her and said, "You're angry."

"It doesn't take a genius to see that," Alex said pointedly, without looking at him.

Andy exhaled deeply and rubbed his face hard with his hand. Then he jumped up from the sofa and started pacing across the coffee table from Alex. 

Alex frowned. Why is he so tensed?

She kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs underneath her. She continued sipping her coffee and watching Andy pacing with his head down and his hands on his hips. 

After 5 minutes, Alex have had it. She set down her mug on the coffee table and got up from the sofa. She looked at Andy and said flatly, "If you're not gonna talk to me, then I'm going to bed. You can let yourself out."

She headed towards the stairs. She was about to go up the first step when Andy said, "I'm out of practice."

With her hand on the railings, she turned to him with a frown on her face. "Excuse me?"

Andy exhaled deeply. "I said, I'm out of practice."

Alex turned towards him and asked, "Out of practice for what exactly?"

Andy blinked hard and ran his fingers through his hair. "Uh, sex." He flashed that awkward look again.

Alex crossed her arms and walked closer to him. "I don't understand what that means."

"Right," Andy said, looking around the room, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, it means that I haven't had sex," he said softly, "For a very, very long time."

Alex tilted her head. "How long?"

Andy exhaled deeply and cleared his throat. "About four years."

Alex's eyes almost popped out of her skull and her mouth dropped open. "Four years?"

Andy stuck his hands into his pockets and shrugged. "It doesn't feel that long."

"Andy, your lack of sex life is a toddler."

Andy chuckled and then he looked at Alex. "I didn't know how to tell you," he said to her apologetically.

"Well, I don't know how to digest that information," Alex replied, "How did you last that long?"

Andy shrugged again. "I had my hands full with Ashley, with the bookstore. After a while, it doesn't matter anymore."

Alex sighed. "So Allison was your last?"

Andy nodded.

"Was she your first?"

"God, no!" Andy chuckled. "There were a few before her."

Alex looked at him and shook her head. "I still can't believe it. Four years! I mean, you're a man! Don't you have needs?"

"Right, well, there are means to take care of needs, isn't there?" he looked at her and shrugged awkwardly.

"Oh, that," Alex said, understanding what he meant. "But don't you get lonely?"

He smiled and admitted, "Of course I do."

She stepped closer to him and touched his face. "Don't you miss the feel of another person's touch?"

"I do."

She sighed, moving really close to him and asked softly, "Don't you miss getting kissed?"

He looked into her eyes and then at her mouth. He leaned forward and kissed her. 

It started as a soft kiss, then she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss. His hands were around her waist, pulling their body close together. 

She pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him. "How about we end that four years hiatus tonight?" She took his hand and led him up to the bedroom.

Ten minutes later, they were laying naked in bed, staring at the ceiling in awkward silence. Just a few minutes previously, they were in the midst of fooling around when Andy reached his climax. Awkward.

Andy covered his face with his hands and groaned loudly. Alex turned to look at him and couldn't help but smile. Then she sighed and said, "Do you know what you need?" Andy looked at her through his fingers. "Ice cream."

So a few minutes later, they were in the kitchen sharing a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chucky Monkey. Andy was sitting on the stool, wearing Alex's satin robe. Alex was leaning over the counter, wearing Andy's pink shirt. 

Andy was staring Alex, a small frown on his face.

"What?" Alex asked him, licking ice cream off her spoon. 

"I'm just, really confused," Andy said.


"Well, I, uh, I'm full expecting you to be angry after what transpired in the bedroom," he said, looking guilty.

Alex chuckled and said, "Yeah, me too."

"But you're not?"

Alex smiled at him and said, "No."

Andy didn't look reassured. 

So Alex moved closer to him and kissed him. He tasted like banana, chocolate and walnuts. Pulling away, she wrapped her hands around his neck and asked, "Now that you've reenergised, would you like to try again?"

Andy smiled at her and pulled her to him for another kiss. She felt his hands unbuttoning her shirt and undressing her. He pulled away from her lips and buried his face in her chest. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. He did the same to the other side. Then he looked up and pulled her lips back to his. His hand travelled up her inner thighs and found its way to her apex. She moaned against his lips.

"You're so wet," he said breathlessly.

"I want you," Alex said urgently, "Right now."

She pulled at his robe and undressed him. He kissed her again and asked against her lips, "Upstairs?"

"No, right here," Alex said and pushed him down on the floor. She straddled him and sinked down on his erection, moaning as she did so. She started moving up and down on him. Andy's hands were gripping her hips tightly, watching her move. She bent down and kissed him, with tongue, while moving her hips forward and back. She straightened up again. She continued moving up and down until she felt herself climbing higher and higher until she imploded, with a loud cry into the room. She felt Andy's hands tightening around her waist. He thrusted hard into her a few times before jerking hard as he came. Then he laid back on the floor with his eyes shut, and his chest heaving. 

Alex looked at him and chuckled to herself. Not bad, not bad at all.

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