54 - The Boss' Order

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Susan made a delicious lunch. She made Sunday roasted beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings with gravy and mint sauce. Alex finished everything on her plate.

"I don't know how you keep so fit with food like this," Alex commented and Paul just grinned. 

Susan came to take away the plates. "Can I offer you some dessert? I made Crème Brûlée."

Alex patted her belly. "I don't think I can eat another bite."

Paul smiled and said to Susan, "Maybe later. Thank you."

Alex thanked her too and Susan returned to the kitchen. Alex turned to Paul and asked him, "So, what do you want to do now?"

Paul smiled and said, "There's something I wanted to show you."

"What is it?"

Paul pushed his chair back and stood up. He offered his hand to Alex and she took it. Paul led her into his office, to her surprise. He made her stand in the middle of the room with her back to the door. Then he went back and she heard the door closing behind her.

"Alright, you can turn around now," Paul's low voice said to her.

Alex turned around to face him but her eyes caught something else and the smile slipped from her face. Around the doorway, from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, was a built in bookcase laden with leather bound books and box sets. They were arranged neatly. Alex couldn't help but gape at them.

Paul stood under them with his hands clasped behind him and a small smile on his face. "This is my collection. English novelists and writers. I've been dying to show this to you since you told me you like reading."

Alex looked at him and a smile spread on her face. "So you were listening when I told you that."

"Of course I was," Paul said incredulously. 

Alex chuckled and stepped closer to the bookcase. She touched the leather covers and read some of the titles. "Alice in Wonderland?" she read and raised her eyebrow at Paul. 

"Lewis Carroll was a great writer," Paul defended himself. "The Harry Potter set are there too. JK Rowling is a gem."

Alex tried to hold in her chuckle. She continued browsing. "Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie. These are all so amazing."

"Jane Austen is up there," Paul told her, pointing above his head. 

Alex looked up excitedly. "Can I see?"

Paul pulled the ladder and hold it steady. 

Alex kicked off her shoes and climbed up. "Tell me when to stop," she told Paul.

"Yes, right there. On your left," Paul said to her.

Alex read the covers. Jane Austen's most famous work were there. Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Mansfield Park, and so many more. Alex pulled out Pride and Prejudice and flipped through the pages, with one arm wrapped around the ladder. "This is so amazing," she said happily.

"I'm having a blast down here, too," Paul told her. "Do you know that I can see your knickers?"

Alex threw him a dirty look and he laughed. She showed him the book and asked, "Can I borrow this one?"

"Yes," Paul said, "You can borrow all of them."

Alex beamed and started to climb down the ladder.

"Here, let me hold that book for you," Paul offered and Alex passed the book down to him. Then she continued climbing down safely.

"Thank you," she smiled at Paul, taking the book back from him. "So where can I dig into this bad boy?"

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