29 - The Father and Daughter

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Alex was surprised at how well she was adapting to the slower pace in the suburbs. She loved that she was closer to the airport, which makes it so easy for her as she travelled a lot. It's not as far from the city as she expected, so she gets to see Ethan as much as she wanted. 

What surprised her the most was her attraction to Andy. He was completely different from Jesse and Zack. His lack of confidence however made her feel more confident about herself, which was exactly what she needed.

Then there was Ashley. Alex didn't spend much time with kids, but she thought Ashley was smart, funny, bossy but not annoying. She didn't mind spending time with her. 

Alex found herself going back to the bookstore again and again. She became closer to Andy and Ashley. She surprised herself when she agreed to go to the zoo with them.

Alex was walking with Andy, while Ashley skipped ahead, looking at the animals in the cages. Alex was snacking on popcorn while Andy was eating cotton candy on a stick.

"Thank you for agreeing to come with us," Andy was saying to her. "Ashley wouldn't stop barraging me until I called you."

Alex chuckled and said, "Thank you for inviting me. I've never been to the zoo before."

"You mean, this zoo?" Andy asked. 

Alex did not mean that zoo. She has never been to any zoo. Period. She just smiled politely and shifted her focus on Ashley. Ashley was watching the giraffes with awe in her eyes. "Do you take her here often?"

"Once in a while," Andy answered. "More often after she watched Madagascar."

They looked at each other and laughed. Alex noticed a piece of cotton candy was stuck on Andy's chin. "Andy, you got something on your chin there."

He rubbed on his chin but missed the spot. "Did I get it?"

"No," Alex said, chuckling. She took a napkin out of her purse and turned to Andy. "Here, let me."

She wiped off the sticky candy and smiled. For a moment, her fingers touched the bottom of his lips. Then their eyes met.

"Daddy! Alex! Look at the baby otters!" Ashley called them, pulling them out from their reverie. 

They smiled at each other and went to join Ashley.


Alex was busy with work, travelling all over the place. That's why she was surprised to be able to spend so much time with Andy and Ashley. 

She made it to Ashley's violin recital.

She made it to Ashley's science fair. 

She even made it to Ashley's debut in the school's play for The Red Riding Hood. Ashley was the grandmother.

Alex was very comfortable with Andy. He was smart and they talked about books. 

His true passion was travelling. Before Ashley, he travelled a lot. He shared photos of his travels and shared books that described the places. 

He knew Alex loved Jane Austen, so whenever he procured a book written by Jane Austen in pristine condition, he would save it for Alex. 

Alex was enjoying the new friendship she had found in Great Neck.


"So, that's the people you're hanging around with now? Single dads and 10 years old kids?" Ethan asked in disbelieve. 

They were having lunch at Ethan's favourite place. He ordered his favourite beef wellington but had barely touched it. 

Alex chuckled and said, "It's not that bad. Andy is smart, and not just book smart. He has travelled to so many places in the world. I don't even have a passport."

"And Ashley is a really sweet 11 years old girl. She's very talented and smart like her father."

Ethan looked at her with disgust. "Who are you?"

Alex laughed and shook her head. Then she gestured to Ethan's plate. "Your meat is getting cold."

"Please, my meat is fine," Ethan said indignantly, picking up his cutleries and cutting into the beef wellington. "You should be concerned about your meat."

"I'm having salmon."

Ethan looked at her in annoyance. "You know what I mean."

"I really don't," Alex said earnestly.

Ethan put down his knife and fork, and asked her directly, "Are you sleeping with Andy?"

"No, I'm not."

"Have you slept with anyone since Zack?"


"That's what I mean," Ethan said, picking up his fork and stabbed a piece of beef. He pointed the beef at Alex and said, "You need meat."

Alex finally understood what he meant and burst out laughing. Ethan laughed with her and finally had the first bite of his meal. He rolled his eyes with delight.

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