78 - The Heir

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Alex was sitting in bed, reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Paul walked into the room and shut the doors behind him. 

"Is she asleep?" Alex asked him.

"Yes, after making me read 3 full chapters," Paul said, sighing heavily. "I blame you for introducing Harry Potters to her."

Alex chuckled and continued reading her book. Paul disappeared into the closet and returned a few minutes later, having changed into his pyjamas. He climbed into bed and caressed Alex's cheek with the back of his fingers. She looked at him and smiled.

"Can we talk?" he asked seriously.

Alex closed her book and set it down on the side table. She turned her full attention to Paul. "What do you want to talk about?"

Paul sighed and asked, "Do you still want another baby?"

Alex was caught by surprise. It had been months since she raised the issue. She sat up straight and simply said, "Yes."

Paul nodded his head and gave her a small smile. "Then let's do it," he said.

Alex leaned towards him, resting her hands on his chest. "What made you change your mind?" she asked him softly.

Paul smiled and pushed her hair away from her face. He looked into her eyes and sighed. "I made you a promise, to give you anything and everything that you want. I'm not about to break that promise," he said.

Alex chuckled and then shook her head. "That's alright, Paul. I'm not going to hold it against you. You can take back that promise."

Paul held her face and said, "I see you, you know?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, leaning into his hand.

"When we take Sophie Rose to the park, I see the way you look at the babies," he said to her, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. "You told me you want another baby and I let my fear hold you back."

"I didn't tell you, I asked you," Alex corrected him. Then she sighed and said, "I don't want you to feel forced into this."

"Forced?" he asked, looking at her like she said something ludicrous. "With the amount of sex we'll be having, it will be my joy."

Alex laughed and buried her face in his chest. He rubbed the back of her head affectionately.

"I do have a condition," Paul said and Alex raised her head to look at him. "Promise me you'll opt for elective caesarean delivery," he said grimly.

Alex squinted her eyes and asked, "You'll still have sex with me even if I have an ugly scar?"

"Like that would stop me," Paul said, rolling his eyes skywards. He held her face in place and repeated, "Promise me."

"I promise," she said with a smile. "Besides, you're forgetting the more important point. Sophie Rose was a miracle baby. Who knows if I'm even able to get pregnant again?"

"That's why I made an appointment with Dr McCartney on Friday morning," Paul told her. "Perhaps she'll be able to tell us."

"Okay," Alex said with a smile. Then she straddled Paul and asked, "Shall we start trying to knock me up now?" She flashed him a cheeky grin.

Paul grabbed her ass and said, "I thought you'd never ask."

They smiled at each other and Alex leaned down to kiss him.


It took them 2 rounds of fertility treatments before Alex got pregnant again. The second pregnancy was just as difficult as the first one. Alex could barely function during the first trimester.

To their delight, Dr McCartney announced that she may be having a boy, but she reminded them not to be too hopeful.

At 40 weeks pregnant, Alex submitted herself for a Caesarean section and brought a healthy, chubby baby boy into the world. Paul was beyond himself with excitement. Finally, an heir to his title.

They named the baby Christopher Carlton Baker. He was named after Paul's father. Sophie Rose was excited to meet her little brother. Wanda was happy to have a pair of healthy grandchildren whom she could spoil. She was spending more and more time in London, wanting to watch them grow.

They became a tight knit family, happier than they have ever been. 

The end.


Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed my story :)

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