22 - The Move

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For the next few days, Alex searched high and low for a new apartment that was available immediately. Even Ethan pitched in to help, but it was slim picking. Any available apartment was either too expensive or too small. Alex wouldn't consider herself as a picky person, but even she knows she needed a space bigger than a hallway closet.

Alex considered moving back to the agency's housing, but unfortunately they were not available either. 

Alex refused to allow her situation to delay Raj and Neesha moving back into the loft. So she packed her things and was ready to move by the weekend. 

As agreed, on Sunday morning, Raj and Neesha returned to the loft after they checked out from the hotel they have been staying in. Alex was already packed. She didn't accumulate too many things while she was staying there, so her things fitted into 2 large suitcases and 2 medium boxes. 

Alex was helping Raj to carry their bags from the car to the loft upstairs, when Zack walked into the garage. 

"Hey, man!" Raj greeted him.

"Hey. Thought you might need a hand," Zack offered.

"Owh, we're good. This is the last one," Raj told him. Then he added, "But I do need your help with something else."

"Sure, anything."

"I need you to build me a frame. Actually, more like a room separator. We have Jaya, the nanny, moving in with us and I want to give her some privacy," Raj explained.

"Sure, yeah. I need to take some measurements and I'll get the stuff," Zack told him.

Alex walked into the garage from the door by the stairs. "Anything else to bring up?" she asked Raj.

"No, we're done. Thanks," Raj told her. He turned to Zack and said, "Bring your tape and I'll show you the corner." Then he picked up the last bag and headed upstairs.

"Why do you need tapes?" Alex asked Zack curiously.

Zack scratched his neck and said, "Owh, Raj wants to tape down everything so that his new wife won't move things around."

Alex frowned and Zack's face split into a large grin. She realised he was joking and she narrowed her eyes. "Funny. Ha! Ha!" she said drily.

Zack chuckled and said, "He meant measuring tape. Raj wants me to build a room for his nanny."

"Wow, you can do that?"

"Yeah," Zack said and flashed her a flirtatious dimpled smirk, "Do you find that hot?"

Alex rolled her eyes and said flatly, "Owh, yeah. So hot. Can't take it." She shook her head and Zack chuckled. Alex went to her things and asked Zack, while pointing to her boxes, "Could you help me with these?"

"Sure," he said and asked, "Where do you want it?"

"Could you stick it in the back?"

Zack was halfway down to pick up the first box and he froze. Slowly, he turned to Alex and asked huskily, "Could you repeat that?"

Alex frowned, confused. Then realisation hit her and she smacked Zack's upper arm. "Grow up!"

He laughed hard, his eyes dancing with mirth. He picked up the box and grinned at Alex.

"Over there," Alex pointed to the empty corner, "At the back of the garage."

Zack obeyed and placed her box there. Then he returned for the second one. He glanced at Alex. There were still some residual humour in his eyes. He went to put the second box. Then he asked Alex, "You're keeping your boxes here?"

Alex pulled one of the luggages and put it together with her boxes. "Yeah, just until I find a new apartment."

Zack frowned. "So you're not moving out today?"

"I am," Alex said. "I'm staying at a hostel for now, while I keep searching for a place. I hope it's not too long."

"You can't stay at a hostel," Zack said incredulously.

Alex chuckled and said, "It's fine, don't worry about it." She turned away to go back upstairs.

"You can stay with me," Zack suddenly said.

Alex chuckled and turned to look at him. Her smile slipped when she saw how serious he looked. "What?" she asked.

"You can stay with me," Zack repeated, stepping closer to her. 

Alex crossed her arms and snorted. "You want me to move in with you?"

"Why not?" Zack asked, stuffing his hands into his jeans front pockets.

Alex bit her bottom lip as she pondered over his offer. She noticed his eyes flickered to her lips and he instinctively licked his own lips. She sighed and asked him, "Please tell me that you're not doing this just because you want to sleep with me?"

He met her gaze and flashed a lopsided grin. "I can tell you it's not the only reason," he said cheekily.

Alex rolled her eyes and said, "Well, at least you're honest." She looked down at her feet and rubbed her forehead. "I can't believe I'm considering this..."

Zack chuckled. "I can promise you it will be more comfortable than a hostel."

Alex looked up at his smiling, handsome face. He did looked sincere. So she sighed and said, "Okay."

Zack grinned wider. "Okay?"

"Yes," Alex said, rolling her eyes. Then they looked at each other and exchanged meaningful looks. Alex cleared her throat and said, "I'd better go upstairs and see if they need any help."

"Okay," Zack said. "I'm gonna go grab the measuring tape and I'll be right there."

Alex turned around and headed for the stairs. She looked behind her and Zack was still watching her walk away.


"Are you absolutely sure about this?" 

Neesha looked worried. Alex smiled at her and hugged her assuringly. "Yes, and it's only temporary. I'm still looking for a place of my own."

She pulled away and they both turned to look at Zack. He was putting her luggage in the trunk of the taxi as Raj looked on. The ladies stayed in the shade of the garage.

"He's too hot to be trustworthy," Neesha shared her thought.

"You should see him without his shirt on."

Neesha's head snapped towards her, her eyes wide like ping pong balls. "You slept with him?"

Alex rolled her eyes and exhaled impatiently. "No, I didn't. He likes to work shirtless in his studio."

"Wow," Neesha said and turned her attention back to Zack, who was now chatting with Raj. "So, Jesse is still the only one?"


Neesha turned to Alex and her tone softened. "I'm sorry about what he did to you." 

Alex looked at her and smiled. She had told Neesha about Jesse and the redhead. Neesha called him many, many cursed words. "No point crying over spilt milk, or in this case, a lying bastard."

"Agreed," Neesha said and hugged Alex one more time.

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