"The whole team wanted to come but we decided that with the size of your average grave it was best to keep the grouping small." Freerunner said as he worked the loosened earth.

"How come magic girl didn't come? She probably could have just spelled up the grave here." Yami asked as he resumed using his darkness to dig up the dirt.

"Well as you've may have noticed, this town has a history with the weird. Glamur wanted to come, but we decided we didn't want to take a chance with residual magic and the graveyard." Shifter said as he continued digging.

They continued working through the night.

Back To Present

Ford, Dan, Mayor Tyler, Blubs, Durland, and Steve Decker acted as the pallbearers as the they took the casket out to the grave. After a brief statement by Stan and James, they lowered the casket into the grave. As each guest left they shoveled a bit of dirt into the grave.

Later At The Shack

After the well-wishers left and it was just the family Stan approached James.

"Look, kiddo. I know this has probably been hard on you and the others have been searching to find out if you have any other family besides me." Stan said as he sorta shuffled in place somewhat uncomfortably "But until they find someone, well, I've applied for temporary custody of you. If you want of course?"

James stood there dumbstruck for a moment, then he turned and started to cry.

"Uhm, well I'm sorry kiddo. I'll leave you alone." Stan said as he turned to leave. "Just let me know when you leave. I'll want to say goodbye."

He had barely taken a step before he was practically tackled by James.

"I'll stay you old fool." James murmured from where he had buried his head in Stan's back.

"Welcome to the family kiddo," Stan said as he turned around and hugged James.

Tuesday December 25th, 2012

Mystery Shack

5:05 AM

Dipper jerked up right quickly as he felt a familiar presence appear in his room. Looking down over at the room's one closet he saw the ghostly form of Will O.

"What's wrong?", he asked slipping into Shifter before his feet hit the floor, "Is someone in trouble? Do we need to get the others?"

"Hold your horses, Dip." Will O said before she powered down leaving just Wendy, "No, emergency. This is just my first Christmas in years and well our first Christmas and I guess I just couldn't wait to get over here."

"Tsk, tsk. Abusing your powers. What would Santa think?" Dipper said as he shifted back to his normal form. Pulling her into a hug, he fell back down on his bed with her beside him.

"Well I don't want that, I've been a good girl this year." Wendy said with a smirk.

"Hmm, I dunno. Sneaking out of your house to visit your boyfriend at five in the morning might be suspect." Dipper said returning her smile. He leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"But is it really sneaking out when I'm the only one home. Remember, dad and the boys left for survival training Saturday morning." Wendy replied before she placed a second kiss on his lips. A moment later they were hit by a flying stuffed animal.

"Will you two lovebirds quit your yammering. It's not even 6 yet and some of us are trying to sleep." Mabel called from her bed.

With a chuckle they laid back down until the house woke up for the Holiday.

~~~The End~~~

(For Now ☺️)

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