Ch. 6: Sweet Death {Part One}

Start from the beginning

I would have been happier for him if it didn't turn out that Jason had a boyfriend back in his hometown. The news completely saddened Joey, but he retaliated by saying he didn't mind being just friends.

And there was this black-haired girl whose name was Brianna. She glares at me every time she sees me, and I have no clue why. She seems to talk about me behind my back with her group of friends and not be discreet about it. I didn't really give a damn anyway.

As for Christian...well, here's the thing. Every time I see him, something inside my stomach flutters, and I feel like throwing up. But not because he disgusts me or anything! On the contrary, it's pretty hard not to stare at him the entire time.

", sorry. I think I'll pass today," I finally said to Rayne, who was waiting for my answer like a kid waiting for her mother's approval on something. Honestly, this girl is so damn cute!

She pouted a bit but nodded. I felt bad. "I'm really sorry, Rayne. But I have to do something today."

I really had something to do. I had promised someone for it.

All of us walked outside and headed home, except for Christian, who seemed to disappear after school. He always does that, and he goes back to the house at seven. I wanted to ask Joey why, but I decided I should just mind my own business. Besides, I don't think that Joey knows either.

When we reached the house, I was the only one who stayed, and the rest headed to the greenhouse. I waved goodbye to them, and they waved back. Well, Max gave me the middle finger. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with that kid?

I shook my head and entered the house, climbing upstairs to our room. I threw my bag on the bed and stalked to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was finished, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a blue towel around my body. Walking out of the bathroom and skipping to my closet, I picked the clothes I wanted to wear, laid them on my bed, put underwear on, and started dressing.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Not bad at all, Aria!

I donned on a blush-colored dress with short, puff sleeves and a heart neckline. It flared and reached just above my knees, with small, white daisies sewn over the fabric. I paired it with white wedge sandals and some bracelets I had adorned on my wrists. Blow-drying my hair, I gave it a little shake and parted it in the middle. Finally, I applied some lip gloss, white eyeliner, mascara, and a touch of power.

I decided to take my white jacket with me in case the day grew cold, then strapped my purse over my shoulder and walked out.


I strolled through the beautiful old town, swarmed with many shops and cafes. The second day I arrived in Rose River, I had been here and decided to take a tour around. I really liked it. It was small, homey, and not at all the crowded mess that was New York. So, it was undoubtedly a much-appreciated change. In here, the smell of clean air and the lingering scent of fresh pastries greeted me instead of the loud honking of cars.

There were parks, ice cream shops, restaurants, cafes, libraries, and even a vast amusement park with a Ferris wheel that towered over the town.

But what caught my eyes the most that day, and the reason I was here, was the town's famous sweet shop called A Drop of Heaven. I made a promise to the owner of the shop, Ellen White, who was a very nice old lady, to visit the shop and try her famous sweets as soon as I could.

So, I decided that this day was perfect, since Saturday I would be in detention and Sunday I would catch up on my homework.

And there it was, the cream-and orange-colored shop that resembled a small Victorian house. It was very famous among locals for its desserts, and there was another sweet shop across from it called Sweet Goodness. I noticed it when I was there before but didn't enter it. I found the first to be more appealing.

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