233. Aranna Starseeker x Human MR (Warcraft)

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Warcraft universe is owned by Activision Blizzard. 

Veriase: Sometimes I wanted to create a little story from Warcraft universe, and wasn't sure about character from it. So, yeah. Aranna was just a pick from many others, because of some games I played in HS nothing more. I didn't really want to use a more known character as it is a quite complicated and biggest universes with a long list of characters/npc's. That's all, a short story between next longer ones. Enjoy.

   It's funny, because my first plans for stories years ago when I started wattpad was some stories from Warcraft, but dropped it not really feeling if people would like them. Like with Diablo ones, probably good, because I'm rather not fond of long list of shots.

   There is always a chance for Whitemane shot, as I still adore her - or next Warcraft ones, depends on if you like this one. Idk how it is called, but every female with that 'finger claws' looks soo dope for me. Her entire model from hots is quite good. Ah, I'm still surprised that they let this model to be released to the game.


   I love to wake up early after exhausting day before and not exactly long sleep, why? Sure, everyone would want to quickly fall asleep again, cursing anything that caused you to come back from your sunny dreams - but... In my personal case it is very different.

   Anyone would be pleased to woke up feeling warm and slim body against yours with a mop of hair covering your entire vision, because said person in sleep decided to place her heard on yours upper part of chest. It wasn't the first time for me to find her spooning against me, no. That little purple minx was probably again up for longer than was necessary instead of going to sleep with me.

   She is still torn between spending time with me or her own projects. Lately when I backed from my own matters not up for anything else than sleep Aranna used it as extra time to work. In my book it was a plus and minus, because then after some time she was rather possessive of my free time... It wasn't a pleasant thing to be sent by her later to purchase a new bed, table and some stupid 'stone bowl on a short pillar'. Trust me, raised brows and ears from night elves males and females in the shop with whispers about us... Nasty, very nasty.

   As you read - I'm in lovely relationship with not-so-known Aranna Starseeker. Yeah, not that Starseeker you imagine first in your thick head hearing that surname. Sadly for me, and my little girl.

   She is Elise Starseeker's crafty younger sister of who also lives in her shadow. Even with my own words to encourage her... I knew that her little smile was a perfectly made fake one. It's interesting how quickly you learn about another in relationship after months of living together. After one time when I caught her literally creating a pool of her own sacred tears - Aranna started doing everything to convince me that she is perfectly fine and totally not caring what her sister Elise is doing right now. Right.

   It always turned out to big and nasty arguments even hitting at some differences between our races. That was always a low blow from her, as I had a very low opinion of my 'male charm' considering Night Elves. It was a common thing for anyone who look for a relationship with a member of different race in Azeroth.

   We got different cultures, different customs - Different fantasies or desires, yet somehow I managed to catch eye of Aranna or rather she 'caught' me as perfect subject for one of her tests. Sigh, everytime I recall that - My ass is sore, better to forget about it already...

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