40 - Successor

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Bakugou POV
We arrive back at the base. Toga is jumping around in excitement and huggs Twice. Everyone looks like they just won a war.
Dabi: Good job Bakugou. You were leading all the villains while assuring that no one interrupts the plan.
Toga: Yeah! Maybe you'll be allowed to do this more often!
Shigaraki: I think so too. Sensei is searching a successor for All for One, you know? With you already having One for all and beeing a good leader, you could become this successor.
Bakugou: Successor of All for One? I thought you would become this successor.
Shigaraki: No. I always was the person who would get it if Sensei dies before beeing able to find someone worthy of his power but I would just be the person to find a good successor. I like my quirk. I don't need a new one.
Kurogiri enters through the door and looks at me.
Kurogiri: Bakugou, good that you're back. Please follow me. All for One wants to talk to you. You should hurry. It's almost time to go back to U.A..
Bakugou: Thank you for telling me. Can I change my clothes before going to him?
Kurogiri: Of course.
All for One POV
Only five minutes after I listened to the conversation of Shigaraki and Bakugou, Bakugou came into the room.
All for One: Hello Katsuki.
Bakugou: Hello. Why did you want to see me?
All for One: I heard what you and Shigaraki were talking about. And I have to say that I agree with Shigaraki.
Bakugou: You do?
All for One: Yes. I didn't have the idea to give you my power until I heard what he said but I want it to be this way. You already achieved two quirks so you know that it hurts but it has to be. I won't live much longer while you are young and strong. You already killed the #2 hero. Why don't go after #1? Come here!
He slowly comes near me. He looks afraid and traumatized. I guess he just doesn't want to be hurt. My poor boy.
Bakugou: You want to do it now?
All for One: Yes. I'm sorry for the pain you're about to experience but it'll be the last time someone will hurt you.
He kneels down infront of me and closes his eyes. I cover his face with my hand before activating my quirk. This will be the last time that I'll feel my quirk. I'll be quirkless in a few seconds. My hand starts to glow red and Katsuki immediately brings his hands up to my arm. He screams in pain and I feel tears streaming down to the ground. I feel the last bit of power leaving my body. I take my hand of Katsuki's face. The crying boy immediately falls into my arms and makes my suit wet with all the tears coming out of his eyes. It must have been painful.
All for One: You did it boy. I gave you all my quirks. You did very well.
Bakugou: Sorry.
All for One: I don't understand. Why do you apologize?
Bakugou: You gave me such power and I'm just lying in your arms crying like a little baby.
All for One: You're not a baby. You're All for One and One for All. You're the most powerful being in the world. And you'll be the one to fulfill my dream of a world without heroes.
Bakugou: Thank you. Now I feel better. The pain is almost gone by now. I should go back to the bar and say goodbye to the league and tell them what just happened. I should calm down before my teacher picks me up.
All for One: Do that. Toga would kill you if her Onii-San just left without saying goodbye.
Bakugou: I'll see you in two days.
All for One: You'll train with your new quirks then. It won't take long until Allmight is weak enough for you to kill him. You should be ready when it's time.
Bakugou: I'm looking forward to it.
Bakugou POV
I leave the room. I'm All for One now? If Izu finds out he'll hate me.
Kurogiri: You look awful everything okay?
Bakugou: Fuck you too, Kurogiri. And yes, everything is just fine.
Kurogiri: Please tell me what happened.
Bakugou: You'll find out about it. I'll tell the rest of the league. You can listen then.
Kurogiri: Okay.
Kurogiri leads me back to the bar where Toga runs at me immediately after she saw me.
Bakugou: You don't have to worry. I'm fine.
Bakugou: Calm down! I wanted to tell you anyways.
Dabi: We're listening.
Shigaraki: Yeah. What happened?
Bakugou: All for One did what you said he would do, Shigaraki. He gave me his quirk and all the quirks he collected in his life.
Toga: REALLY?!
Twice: COOL!
Shigaraki: I was right. Congratulations. You deserve it.
Dabi: I hate to say that but he's right. You deserve it, little brother.
We all hug in a big loving group hug even though Shigaraki doesn't seem to really like it. I have the best family anyone can have.
Kurogiri: I hate to destroy this moment but the two hours are over. You should go outside now. With everything I know about your teacher, I think he wouldn't like to wait for you.
Bakugou: Yeah. I think so too. Bye! I'll see you in two days!
League: Bye Bakugou!
I walk outside. I think even though I'm living in the dorms this is the place I would call home. Not this house or the room underneath it but the people inside, my family. And now I have to leave this place to play hero but U.A. isn't just the place I'm a hero. My friends are there, my beautiful boyfriend and since today a little black kitten. Maybe U.A. isn't all that bad? I exit the building and see the car Aizawa sits in. The window is open and when Raven sees me she jumps into my arms and looks with her big green eyes at me like I'm dying. She's so worried. She's basically Izu. I bet they'll become friends. Or they'll try to kill eachother because of jealousy.
Bakugou: Hello Kitten. Stop looking like that I'm fine!
I enter the door and Aizawa sees my face.
Aizawa: Did you cry?
Bakugou: Yes. I had another flashback. But I had people to take care of me. You don't have to worry.
Aizawa: What caused it?
Bakugou: I don't know. We were training my new quirk when it happened. I also trained with One for All. Maybe that's what caused me to panic again. Can we please don't talk about it? It's over now. Everything is fine. There's no need to talk about it.
The car starts moving and Aizawa is now concentrated on the street.
Aizawa: Fine. But maybe you want to talk about the news.
Bakugou: Wich news?
Aizawa: It was on TV almost one and a half hours long. It started shortly after you gone there and was over about ten minutes ago. I think Midoriya sent you thousands of messages. How didn't you find out about this?
Bakugou:  The therapy is in a bunker because it often is about training quirks. There is no signal. This means no TV and no texting. Please tell me what happened.
Aizawa: You remember Ground Zero?
Bakugou: Ingenium's murderer?
Aizawa: Yes. Did you know about the celebration...
Bakugou: ...in honor of him? The one that was today?
Aizawa: That's what I wanted to say. Anyways, Ground Zero attacked it. He didn't show himself instead he had lower villains to do the show part. Because of him fourty people died, ten heroes and five people are injured. Fortunately only one was unharmed.
Bakugou: Do I know any of the people who are alive?
Aizawa: Yes. Tenya Iida was the only unharmed person and the Todoroki siblings Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto where injured. The most famous heroes that died today where Uwabami, one of the pussy cats Ragdoll, Best Jeanist and Endeavor.
Bakugou: So many? And two of them where in the top five. How can a villain who just showed himself to the world be so strong?
Aizawa: He was with the league of villains. He has a high rank there. He commanded dozens of villains including the one who we thought was the leader. Maybe he's All for One's protégé or maybe even his successor. Maybe he trains since years!
He's completely right but he can't find out yet.
Bakugou: I think he's more dangerous than any villain we know yet. There is nothing more dangerous than something unknown.
Aizawa: I didn't know you where so wise Bakugou.
I hear silent snorring in my lap. Raven is curled into a ball and peacefully sleeps. She doesn't even realize that she cuddling with a murderer.
Aizawa: How do you get this monster to sleep?
Bakugou: I don't know.
Aizawa: I forgot to tell you: I buyed a scratching post, cat food, a drinking bowl, a feeding bowl, a litter box and some toys for her. You need some stuff in your room if you want to keep her. I already placed it in your room. Midoriya was very confused so I told him that you'd explain when you come back. This wasn't long ago and he knew about the attack. He said that he felt guilty. Not because he couldn't save his friends but that he didn't care. You should talk to him.
We drive into the school's underground car park.
Bakugou: I'll do that. We're here anyways. Thanks for driving me.
Aizawa: Sure.
We enter the teachers dorms. They all sit in the living room looking extremely sad. It's annoying that I have to show sympathy for them when I'm the one who killed all of these people.
Bakugou: Are you okay?
Midnight: Yeah. Thanks for asking.
Present Mic: You should look after your boyfriend. He locked himself into your room. He didn't came out since a hour.
Bakugou: Okay. I'll see you later or tomorrow. Bye!
I walk to our room. Raven lies on my head. I decided that this is the safest spot right now. I arrived at our door and knock.
Bakugou: Woah Izu, I love you too.
The door swings open and Izu jumps into my arms.
Deku: I'm so sorry Katchan! I thought you were one of the teachers. Wait!
Bakugou: What?
Deku: What's this black thing on your head.
Bakugou: Oh right!
I take the little cat from my head and show it to Izu.
Bakugou: This is Raven. I got her from Aizawa.
Deku: She's so cute! Now it makes sense that Aizawa brought so much cat stuff in the room. I already thought he was drunk or high and thought that it was his room.
Bakugou: No he wasn't. As long as you don't get jealous that I'm only cuddling with one of you you could be really good friends. You're basically the same person but she's a kitten and you're a human. That's the only differences. She even has green eyes!
Deku: I won't get jealous! She's cute! You're cute! And I decided that she'll be our daughter! She's a cat lime you and has green eyes like me, equals our child!
I would laugh but this is adorable so I'm just going to live with it.
Bakugou: Okay. I didn't think I would become a father in high school but that's fine. As long as I have my child with you instead of some bitch I'm good.
Deku: That's great. I'm tired. Can we go to bed?
Bakugou: Fine.
It isn't really late but I'm a sleep loving cat and Izu obviously wants to cuddle with me. I put Raven in a little sleeping place Aozawa built. There are a few pillows and a little stuffed animal. The little kitten moves a little bit but when it gets to the little stiffed animal she hugs it and starts snorring again. I look to the bathroom door to see Izu looking at me and smiling brightly.
Deku: You're so cute to our little kitten! I hope you're in a mood to cuddle with me! I missed you the last few hours!
Bakugou: Yeah don't worry about that.
We take on our pajamas and cuddle in the bed. I have enough reasons to need cuddles now. Maybe I'll need to leave him soon. I am a serial killer. And I'm a cat who needs attention. This is the most important reason. I love my affection. Good that I have Izu and Toga. They both love cuddles and I give them what they want.
I'm what they want.

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