38 - Raven

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Bakugou POV
It's evening which means I have to become a villain once again. That's not my problem. I have two bigger problems. Number one is my very clingy, very sweet Izu who has to stay at the dorms alone and number two is that a teacher is driving me there and I can't just tell them to the league's base. It's an old abounded warehouse. They'd never believe me that I have therapy there. I should text Shigaraki about this. He'll probably know what to do.
Bakugou: Hey Shigaraki! I have a problem.
Shigaraki: What is it?
Bakugou: Because of the villains I have to be escorted to you. I can't lead a pro hero to your base.
Shigaraki: HEY! It's our base baka! You're a part of our family!
Bakugou: Sorry. I can't leads pro hero to OUR base.
Shigaraki: Better. Now to solve your problem. Just go to this address: ***************. We have a tunnel system under the city with dozens of exits all around the city. The address leads to a private house and your parents have been told that the therapy is a private thing so this should work.
Bakugou: Thank you! I have to go now. Aizawa is already waiting.
Shigaraki: I'll see you later.
Bakugou: Bye.
I turn my phone off at the perfect moment because Izu is entering our room. He looks sad and his eyes are blue.
Deku: Katchan. Aizawa is waiting for you. Are you ready?
Bakugou: Yeah. Thanks for telling me. And you don't have to look so sad! I'll be back in two hours. If you sleep, you wouldn't even realize that I'm gone.
Deku: Okay. But come back then!
Bakugou: Okay. I love you.
Deku: I love you too.
I exit the building and find Aizawa standing at his car.
Bakugou: Hello!
Aizawa: Hello problem child. You took your time coming here.
Bakugou: Sorry. One of the other teenagers who are in this therapy just told me that it's somewhere else today. It seems that the doctor who is leading this didn't have my right number so the message didn't reach me. There was a villain attack or something.
Aizawa: Okay. Do you have the address now?
Aizawa POV
He nodds and tells me the address after sitting in the car. When we start driving I hear a weird sound behind me. I guess that Bakugou heard it too because he turns around to look what it was. It was a little cat sitting in the back seat.
Bakugou: You have cats in your car?
Aizawa: Yes but only one. She's a monster I wouldn't touch her.
I look over to him to see him holding her in his arms and cuddling the evil cat (picture above).
Bakugou: Why?
Bakugou: I just took her. I think it's part of my lion quirk that cats like me. I am a cat myself after all.
Aizawa: I forgot about that. Do you want to keep her? Her name is Raven and I can't pet her because she would immediately kill me.
Bakugou: Yeah. I'll keep her. I hope she allows Izu to cuddle with her. I don't want him to be depressed again.
Aitawa: Izu? This nickname is kinda cute. Why do you call him that?
Bakugou: I called him like that when we were kids like he calls me Katchan. And now that we're not enemies anymore, I thought it would be a good idea to call him that again and like you said, it's cute.
The kid is rambling over his own words. He's muttering! So Midoriya took Bakugou's swearing while Bakugou took his muttering. I have no idea what he's talking about but I guess it's about his boyfriend because his face has a light shade of pink on it.
Aizawa: You are muttering! Stop it!
Bakugou: Oh, sorry. This just happens sometimes.
Aizawa: Are you sure that you and Midoriya didn't switch personalities?
Bakugou: Yes. I know it feels like we did but we didn't.
Bakugou POV
Suddenly the car stops.
Aizawa: Get out of the car. We arrived.
Bakugou: Oh thank you for driving me. It's a lot faster than walking. Are you also going to pick me up?
Aizawa: Yes.
Bakugou: Good! I'm going to let Raven in the car and take her with me later. I don't think I'm allowed to take a cat with me.
Aizawa: Fine. I'll buy cat food and a few other things for you.
Bakugou: Thank you!
I pet the cat one last time before closing the door of the car and waving to Aizawa. As soon as he's gone, the door of the house I'm at busts open and Toga jumps in my arms.
Toga: Hello Onii-San!
Bakugou: Hey Toga. I guess I have to talk to All for One again?
We enter the building, walk through a trap door and enter the huge halls of the league's base.
Toga: No. Shiggy-Nii talked to him and was told your mission. He'll tell you what to do. I don't know much about it but he said that it's going to be a lot harder than just killing a weak hero.
Bakugou: That's good. I'm in a bad mood. I want to punch my anger out. The inly good thing that happened today was that my teacher gave me cat as a gift.
Toga: REALLY!? What's the cat's name?
Bakugou: Her name is Raven. She's cute and badass. Like you are!
Bakugou: Everything for my little sister. I think if Izu left me or I would have to leave him because of villainy, you would become my favourite person. Right now you're only #2.
Toga: I love you too Onii-San. You're already my favorite person! And I hope that you'll have to leave U.A. soon! I don't want you to become a hero and I want to spent more time with you.
I feel how sadness comes over me. She's right. I have to leave U.A. soon else they'll find out. I mean I don't want to leave Izu but it's the best. The league is going to kidnap him anyways. Izu is way to important for All for One to leave him in a hero school.
Bakugou: I don't know if I should feel the same.
Shigaraki: You can't decide anyways. We already have a date set up. This will also be the day we'll bring Sensei's son here.
I didn't realize that we reached the bar.
Bakugou: You have a date?
Shigaraki: Yes. But I won't tell you when it is.
Dabi: You shouldn't worry about that. For now you have to prepare for the sports festival anyways.
Bakugou: Yes. Where do you get this information anyways?
Shigaraki: In your class is a traitor who is working for us. Don't worry. You'll find out who they are very soon. Maybe even today!
Bakugou: Really? That's interesting. You really found someone between all of these idiots to work for you. That's impressive.
Shigaraki: It was hard but we did it. Now get ready. Your stuff is in your room. The same goes for you three.
Dabi, Toga and Twice: Okay!
Bakugou: We're going to do something together?
Shigaraki: Yes. There will also be some low level villains to help you. You'll be killing a lot of heroes today. If you're ready, come back here. I'll explain our plan.
Well that's interesting. Especially since I  think I know where my mission is taking place at. I was talking to Iida earlier and he told me that there would be a celebration in honor of his brother. A lot of heroes will be there. What worries me is that a lot of stronger pro heroes are going to be there too. Endeavor, Uwabami and Gang Orca are only a few examples. First I killed Iida's brother and now I'm on my way to kill Todoroki's father. I'm a great classmate! On a normal day!
What is wrong with my life?

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