29 - Controled

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Bakugou POV
Allmight brought me to the hospital Izu is in while Recovery is calling someone. He didn't explain who Nana Shimura was or why it made him sad when I asked about her. I don't really mind. I know that my dream was about One for All. It makes sense now that I think about it. The man who got a quirk forced into him by All for One said that I am "the tenth". If Shimura was the seventh, Allmight is the eight and Izu the ninth wich makes me the tenth wielder of One for All. Could it be that the quirk wich was forced into the man was One for All? I snap out of my thoughts when a nurse came up  to us.
Nurse: Where you the one who called?
Recovery Girl: Yes. I called because of this boy.
Recovery Girl points at me.
Nurse: Hello then. Young man, could you tell me your name?
Bakugou: My name's Katsuki Bakugou. Could someone tell me what's going on?
Nurse: Miss Recovery Girl called and told us that you lost control of your quirks. We're going to make a few tests to make sure that you want loose control again. It is possible that you'll need to wear quirk canceling cuffs or take quirk suppressants. You're parents have been called. They'll arrive soon.
Bakugou: What about Izu?
Nurse: You mean Izuku Midoriya? He has inner bleedings and many broken bones. He is currently being operated on. You don't need to worry. His live isn't at any danger. Could you please call his mother? Her phone number is saved in our files but it seams that the number is wrong.
Bakugou: She changed her number a few weeks ago. I'll call her but it could take some time until she'll come. She is on a business trip out of town. She should come in less than three hours.
Nurse: Thank you Mister Bakugou. Please follow me. I'll lead you to the room where you need to wait until a doctor comes.
I nodd. She turns around and leads me to where a doctor takes tests. I hope that it won't trigger anything. I wouldn't like to attack a doctor because of what happened in the lab.
I've been sitting in this room 10 minutes now. I already called Auntie Inko. I hope my parents will come soon  I don't want to be alone with the doctor. I don't want to hurt him.
Finally the door opens and short man enters. The problem is that this is the doctor that works for All for One: Daruma Ujiko.
Ujiko POV
As soon as I enter the room he starts to back up against a wall. Of course he's afraid. He's alone in a room with me. A situation like this is always dangerous for him.
Ujiko: Good evening Bakugou.
Bakugou: Good evening doctor.
Ujiko: Please sit back on the chair. I'm not going to punnish you for running away. Atleast not here, not now.
He sits back on the chair, still very tensed and ready to attack any time.
Bakugou: Why are you here and knew the nurse who you are?
Ujiko: I'll explain everything. The first thing you'll learn is why you shouldn't attack me. The nurse isn't really who she's seemingly is. It's actually Toga Himiko. One of our less important villains is the doctor who takes care of Izuku. He build a small chip in his heart. As soon as I tell him to, the fake doctor will kill Izuku with the help of the chip. He'll die in less than five seconds. Got that?
I see anger building up in his eyes but his fear is still to overwhelming.
Bakugou: Yes doctor. I'm not going to try anything.
Ujiko: Good decision. I can activate the chip any time where ever he is. You have to do everything I tell you as long as I want you to. I know when you'll betray me because Izu is bugged.
Bakugou: Yes doctor.
Ujiko: The first thing I want from you is to eat this.
I show him a mint bonbon.
Bakugou: Why do you want me to eat a mint bonbon?
Ujiko: Eat it. Then I'll explain why.
He takes it hesitantly And shoves it into his mouth.
Ujiko: Very good. It is full of micro bots. They hack themselves into your brain. This will give me the ability to see with your eyes, hear with your eyes and control mind and body. I could easily make you a serial killer and then make you forget every single death you caused. You'll be our perfect weapon.
Bakugou: I have to do whatever you want?
Ujiko: I'm only the second commander. All for One is the actual person to control you. He can easily give you a new task by texting the bots in your brain. You're nothing else but a doll. You have a few rules:
1. Don't tell anything except of All for One, Kurogiri and me.
2. Gather information about U.A. and the heroes there.
3. Don't act suspicious to anyone, especially not to Izuku. Act like you would if I wasn't here.
Bakugou: Yes doctor.
I hear a small knock at the door.
Ujiko: Come in.
Nurse (Toga): I'm sorry if I interrupted you but Mister and Misses Bakugou have arrived. Are they allowed to come in?
Ujiko: You didn't interrupt anything. I was explaining something and was just finished. Let them in! Hello Mister and Misses Bakugou.
Masaru and Mitsuki: Hello doctor. Hello Katsuki.
Bakugou: Hi.
Ujiko: It's good that you're finally here. I couldn't start my tests because he asked if I could wait until his parents were here. Why was that actually?
Bakugou: While being with the villains I was tortured by a doctor. He used tools a normal doctor would use too. I just didn't want to hurt anyone. I easily loose control when I think I'm in danger even if I'm not. Please don't ask anything about it. I don't want to talk about it.
Mitsuki: They tortured you?! I'm going to fucking kill these villains.
Bakugou: Mom, calm down! How are you planning to find him anyway.
Masaru: He's right Mitsuki. We're here to find out why our son is loosing control over his quirks and how we can stop it, not to kill someone.
Ujiko: We should start with the tests now. He should be able to go to the boy he hurt. Your son says that this boy is very important to him.
Mitsuki: A boy he hurt? I didn't knew you hurt someone.
Bakugou: It was Izu. He slept right next to me when I lost control because of a nightmare and was in my arms when I lost it the second time because of my fear that he won't be okay.
Mitsuki: Izuku? And Inko is this week out of town. This couldn't have a been on a badder moment.
Ujiko: No one can do something against it. Miss Midoriya was already called. Now I would like to make a blood test. Could you please take of your shirt?
Mitsuki POV
Katsuki takes of his shirt and I'm shocked. His strong, muscular figure is covered in scars. Half of his body is either burned or attacked with a knife or something. I also see some scars caused by electricity. Katsuki seems to notice how shocked I am and weakly smiles at me. My husband hugged me to comfort me.
Ujiko: I usually only say this to parents of small children but with the trauma he seems to have, I'll make an exception. Could you please hold his hand and comfort him? With the scars he has and the pain that must have been coming with it, I don't think he'll even feel the needle but the skin of scars is more sensitive. Meaning I can't make sure that he doesn't freak out or something.
Masaru is leaving my side and kneels next to our son and I hug him from behind. I'm somehow surprised when he leans into the hug. I have to remember this:
He isn't the same person he was two weeks ago.

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