"She just wanted to help you know..."

I ignored his words.

They just didn't understand, some situations could lead to serious consequences, and while, Isabel thought she understood I knew better than anyone that she didn't. There was a difference between thinking you can go through something rather than actually going through it. And I was not going to risk complicating her life with mine.

"Cmon," I grumbled. "Let's have a chat with your dearest sister."

Oliver whined, "She might be an ass, but I know for certain that this guy brainwashed her, and honestly... I'm ready to punch him for it." Sudden confidence has entered his voice, I just wondered for how long.

"So... We've been waiting for quite some time, what you want?" Jack muttered, his face swollen from our earlier punches, which brought a smile to my face.

"First of all Caroline what the fuck?" Oliver shouted at his sister. "Don't you see that this dude is a fucking rapist? Have you completely lost your mind?!" 

Caroline appeared to be conflicted and scared. Was she finally realizing the amplitude of her actions?

"This wasn't some mean highschool girl prank, this guy next to you tried to rape my friend and God knows what else he planned to do with her tonight," I seethed.

Her eyes shot towards Jack who hasn't spoken a word. He must have known it became pointless to pretend any further. 

"Jack... It was just to give her a scare, right? Y-you never tried to.. you know," her words doubtful, because she already knew. "What the fuck, Jack!" she screamed horrified. "I.. you said she tried to frame you. When I got close to her she was so gullible that it was hard to believe she could have done anything of the sorts, but I trusted you..." she exclaimed with tears in her eyes. "I thought this was to simply take away the charges and scare her off!"

"Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch," Jack raised his voice sounding intimidating, but also pathetic because it was clear as a day that he felt helpless. "It's not my fault you were too in love to see what was right in front of your eyes. Don't blame this on me, you always were following me like a miserable puppy, fucking attention-seeking whore," he chuckled breaking the girl in the process.

I might not be able to read others, but even a person like myself could see how Caroline's world just crumbled into pieces. I didn't feel bad, idiots had to pay the price, and this bitch was way overdue.

Suddenly Oliver's figure flashed in front of me as he threw himself onto Jack.

"Hey!" I yelled, bothered by the possible complication, but no one listened as they began to fight.

"Fucking piece of shit!" Oliver swore while punching Jack's stomach with his knee. "That's my baby sister you are talking about!"

At first, I decided to stay back and let it resolve itself, wanting to give the blonde a chance to let his steam off, but once things began to go sideways I strongly considered intervening.

And then before I could decide on anything Jack has knocked Oliver onto the ground throwing powerful punches onto his side.

"Leave him alone!" Caroline screamed and pushed Jack away, who shockingly didn't hesitate to punch her in the face.

Okay, that's it.

I ran up to them trying to separate the boys who kept on going at it without a break.

Can't believe I was about to say it... "Let's calm down and talk, you fuckers!" I yelled as I tried to pull Oliver away from Jack, suddenly getting my hand bitten. "Are you bloody serious?!" I yelped, but Jack was way gone, lost in his rage. "That's enough!"

Ms. Jones, You're My Trigger (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now