I take my head off of my hands and sit up straight. "Nothing. I've just got some... stuff to handle." I sigh, rubbing my temples in an attempt to ease the growing migraine forming.

Yeongeun crosses her arms. "This is about your story, isn't it?"

"Why does everyone keep on assuming that? My story is perfectly fine." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Please. Everyone knows you are having a hard time catching up with the police. Like, come on. It has been a week since you released your last article."  Her voice rises slightly. "Besides, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you are struggling."

My cheeks flush. Of course, she noticed. Yeongeun is one of the best investigative reporters there is.  She has a knack for reading people and finding things out that others miss.

In all honesty, Yeongeun should be the one working on this story and not me. It remains a mystery why she dropped it as soon as it arrived at her table. "Okay then, miss genius. What should I do, according to you?"

She shrugs. "Find a different angle to take this. You know, when I write things, I imagine myself as one of the people involved. And then try to think about what might be the reason for their decisions. And voila! You have your base all sorted with facts and shit. Now, just arrange it in the juiciest way possible." She smiles smugly.

I scoff. "It's easier said than done."

"Then start from square one. Imagine yourself as Han Jinwoo." She taps on her chin and tilts her head. "Has any other newspaper covered this story?"

I  pause for a moment before answering, "Some have, but they just have the most obvious things on their plates."

"Perfect!" She nods in satisfaction, and then adds, "You have the chance to present the deeper end of the entire situation. Maybe talk to the family members of that Han Jinwoo guy. Or even better, talk to the appointed officers of the case personally. Arrange the appointments and, I don't know, find something to blackmail them into opening up?"

I gape at her, eyes wide with amazement. "You are a genius."

She grins. "I am simply more experienced in this area of work." And really has she given me the best idea.


Ravenwood Diaries




Chapter FOURTEEN: Changes

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"Are you even listening?"

Ryujin blinks several times until reality begins to sink in again. "Huh?"

I smile at her, amused. "I'm asking about your parents. You had said they'd come to see you soon." But then my smile falters by a fraction. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," she stammers, "I am alright. Just a bit tired with yesterday's practice."

I look back at the road ahead, turning the steering wheel while sipping at my Starbucks. "Well, Kai has—"

ᴏʙsᴇssɪᴏɴs: ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴡᴏᴏᴅ ᴅɪᴀʀɪᴇꜱ || c.bg + h.kWhere stories live. Discover now