The redhead glared daggers at Riley. She store him back down while putting one of her hands on her hips. Harry thought that Riley looked extremely terrifying when she was scary and therefore didn't do anything.

Hermione went over to Ron and examined his ragged bandage.

"Leave it," he hissed as Hermione rummaged through her backpack.

"Mum can make food appear out of thin air," Ron sighed dreamily.

"No one can conjure food out of thin air. Food is the first of the five Principal Exceptions to Gramp's Law. The other four are -" Hermione was interrupted.

"Oh, speak English, can't you?" Ron said sharply as he jerked his injured arm away from the bookworm who looked hurt.

"Bitch," Riley sneered at Ron who ignored her entirely.

"I said leave it," the redhead snarled as Hermione held the bandage in her hand.

She sighed and then put it away in her bag.

"It'll be dark soon. We need to find a place to sleep," Harry told the group.

"Good idea," Riley nodded.

"Yeah. Brilliant. Only, correct me if I'm wrong... wasn't that yesterday's plan? And the day before that? And the day before that? Walk. Sleep. Walk. Sleep," Ron chuckled darkly.

Clearly sick of his behavior Riley walked up to Ron who stood completely still. She took the locket off of his neck and placed it over her own.

"My turn," Riley stated as she walked away making Ron, Hermione, and Harry glance at each other in awe at her confidence.


"Oh my god!" Hermione yelled as she sprung up from the couch with her History of Magic book.

"What?" Harry asked looking alarmed.

Riley was cutting his hair with scissors in front of a mirror and he was extremely scared in case she messed up.

"Relax hun, have some faith in me," Riley mumbled as she snipped more of his hair. Her eyebrows knitted with concentration.

"I'll tell you in a minute, I don't want to disturb Riley," Hermione said politely as she watched the boy who lived's hair falling on the floor.

"Maybe you could tell me now," Harry said once Riley had finished his haircut. He pat his hair gently.

"Oh, nice job, by the way, darling," Harry complimented his girlfriend on his new haircut as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

"Alright. The Sword of Gryffindor? It's Goblin made," Hermione explained.

"Brilliant," Harry said bluntly as Riley snorted.

"You don't understand. Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade. It only takes in that which makes it stronger," Hermione said which made Riley nod. She understood what the Gryffindor was saying.

"Okay," the chosen one still looked confused. Riley face palmed herself.

"You are so stupid it's so adorable," the blonde teased as she placed a kiss on his cheek making him flustered.

"Harry. You already destroyed one Horcrux, right? Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets," Hermione tried to spell it out for him.

"With a basilisk fang. If you tell me you've got one of those in that bloody beaded bag of yours," Harry joked.

"Don't you see! In the Chamber of Secrets, you stabbed the basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. Its blade is impregnated with basilisk venom," Hermione said as Harry let out a small oh.

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