chapter four

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after a super long and tiring day, jisung had finally made it home. he guided himself up and into his room to maybe take a nap since he didn't have any homework.

he was thinking once he hit the bed, he'd have no problem sleeping.

he was wrong.

once he landed on the bed, that's when his mind said 'oh time to over think the day!' he groaned and rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face into his pillow. he hit his head against the soft material a few times in frustration. he still had no idea who this minho guy was! it had been on his mind all day. there was just something about minho that was so familiar but his stupid mind didn't want to work.

instead he buried the thought of minho away in the back of his mind. he put his headphones in, as he always did to flush out his thoughts. he walked over to his closet, pulling out his secret stash that he had honestly forgot about till now.

he climbed out his window and took a seat on the roof, pulling out his pipe and lighter. he packed his bowl and began his little smoke sesh on the roof.

after a good 15 minutes, he laid back on the roof, watching as the dark clouds moved around the sky. and he found his mind wandering back to old memories to when he was kid. specially a certain kid from his childhood.

whenever jisung had down days where he was either over thinking too much or had anxiety attacks. he always let himself think about a kid that he used to play with when he was little. he can't remember the kids name, but they had been really close with each other. always played with each other at recess, and we're basically inseparable... until jisung had to move away. he always felt super guilty about it because he had remembered that the kid from his memories was always alone. that's why jisung had befriended him.

the kid was always sitting by himself on the swing set, and no other kid dared to go near him because they all thought he was crazy. he remembers the boy not having any parents and he always came to school with bruises and cuts littered on his face.

anyone could tell he was mistreated, but little jisung didn't care about that. he wasn't the most popular either. he had always been smaller compared to other kids so he got picked on a lot. so he wanted to be friends with this mysterious kid, whether it was a good idea or not. but he saw it as a good idea afterwards because he ended up being really sweet and caring towards jisung.

but then jisung left.

jisung brushed off these thoughts as well, because they were actually beginning to make him sad. he really missed that boy on the playground.. maybe he'll meet him again someday.

he picked himself up and dusted off his pants, climbing back threw his window into his room.

now he can get some sleep.


jisung had ended up sleeping for the rest of the day and woke up later in the night around 2:30am. he stirred in his sleep, feeling the nights air brush against his cheek. and he had a bad case of cotton mouth.

he sluggishly got out of bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. he kept all the lights off because he's never been scared of the dark; in fact, he loved it.

he went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cobarde by the sink and filled it with some water, that he drag down in one gulp. he set it down and began to rotate his neck around earning a nice pop.

"you look tired darling."

jisung quickly turned around to be faced with that mysterious man, once again. "w-what are you d-doing here?" he stuttered while trying to back up but the counter stopped him.

the stranger sat silently in the chair, making sure that no light was hitting his face at all.

"answer me! why a-are you here?" jisung tried to sound confident but failed miserably.

"just wanted to see you darling." you could hear the smirk that was across the strangers face.

"why me?" jisung asked timidly.

but followed by silence again. and before he could talk, he was interrupted by the chair sliding against the tiled floor. "you'll find out in good time." and with that the stranger up and left, faster than jisung could comprehend what was going on.

once jisung knew he was alone, he slid down onto the floor, raising his hand to rest over his racing heart. he wasn't necessarily scared, the stranger hadn't done anything to him so he felt somewhat relieved that the stranger had just simply left without a word.

but one questioned lingered in his head. who has that same voice?

a/n; thank you for reading (:


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