chapter twenty-three

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jisung didn't sleep well.

all night he couldn't stop thinking about what he'd said to minho. he couldn't help but think he might have hurt the olders feelings, and that was enough to keep him awake.

he tossed and turned in chans arms arms trying his best to fall asleep.

but it was useless.

he couldn't just fall asleep when minho was possibly alone and upset because jisung stayed with chan.

and to pile on top of that guilt, he felt a tremendous amount of guilt for kissing chan.

but why? it's not like he was with minho.

but it still felt wrong to look back at. because in a way he wanted to stay loyal with minho...he needed to apologize and he needed to do it in person.

he continued to shift around and unfortunately gave up and decided it was best to stay awake.

he slowly left chans arms, grabbed his phone and went to the bathroom to make the phone call he knew he shouldn't.

once in the bathroom he locked the door behind his and sat down against the wall. he looked at his phone screen and clicked on minhos constant.

and it rang and rang.

but no answer.

he looked up at the counter last night were he'd made out with chan and couldn't help but make him fell like he deserved to be ignored.

he tried again.

it rang and rang, and eventually minho picked up. but, on his end of the call was only silent.

"i-i'm sorry" jisung said barely audible. "i'm so sorry for what i said...and did" he apologize but again, minhos end of the call was pure silence. it was as if minho wanted to hear more.

"i should've left with you. i'm sorry for leaving you, and-and for doing the things i did"

although minho had no clue what "things" jisung was talking about he finally spoke.

"i'll be there in five minutes." his answer was short and he simple ended the call.

jisung wasn't sure if he should be afraid or relived he was going to see minho, because at this point he was so confused of the entirety of his situation.

but all he knew is that he wanted minho, no matter how much his mind told him to go to chan. he was drawn to minho more.

he quietly opened the door to head back out of the bathroom and grab his things to leave, but was stopped when chan blacked the way.

the older pulled him into a hug. "don't go...please" chan had felt jisung wake up and head to the bathroom, his gut told him to figure out why he did it so sneakily.

it felt wrong to eves drop because for all he knew, jisung could've just been using the restroom.

"i'm sorry chan, i have to. he'll be here any minute" jisung wiggled out of the olders arms. and grabbed his belonging before heading toward the door.

"jisung wait! you don't have to go if you don't want to. are you sure it's safe for you to go? i don't want him hurting you because you chose to stay with me."

"it's nothing i can't handle. i'll be okay, he deserves an apology for what i said to him." jisung left the room without saying a proper goodbye.

it terrified chan to know jisung was so attached to someone who mercilessly harms him. he knew that jisung wasn't the one who needed to apologize. if anything, minho needed to apologize.


jisung stood outside the hospital waiting for minhos car to pull up.

eventually minho pulled up to where he saw the younger standing.

without out and words being exchanged, jisung opened the car door and sat himself down in the passenger seat.

after minutes of sitting in the parked car, jisung was the first to break the deafening silence. "are you going to drive?"

"no, i think it's best we talk this out before we go." minho said bluntly.

"oh..ok" the silence was deafening and jisung had come to realize that minho wasn't going to speak until he did. "so..."

"so? so what? you apologized over the phone, now do it in person as well"

is he serious? "fine. i'm sorry, but you need to apologize as well. please start to realize that i'm my own person and can hang out with the people of my choice. you have no right to tell me who i can or can't be with." jisung was surprised he had the guts to say that to his face. but he predicted what came next...and it want pretty.

minho reached over the consol and grabbed a hold of jisungs hair and yanked his head towards him to speak in his ear. "you're right, but after you promised me to not get close to chan again- you go and pull this shit." after he was done he threw jisungs head back and it hit the widow of the passenger door.

it hurt. jisung didn't want to be in this cry with minho if he was just going to treat him like a rag doll. he was so close to crying, but he couldn't. he had to stay strong and stand up to him. he loved minho and couldn't help it, so he'd just have to adapt.

for them.

if minho could toss him around and give him rules then maybe, just maybe he could do the same if he built up the courage.

deep breath jisung. you got this. he shut his eyes for a short moment to get it together while taking a deep breath.

"you think you have all this control over me hm? you can beat me all you want, but it's not teaching me lesson. if you continue to treat me like this, i'll get out of the fucking car and stay with chan and you can forget about whatever we have going on." he didn't mean it. he could never. he knew he could never forget minho, but it was the threat that counted.

minho was taken back for a moment, jisung had never shown this much confidence in their arguments. although, he could see that the younger was bluffing. "if you want to forget about me, then go. see what happens." he said bluntly and seemingly emotionless.

jisung hesitated in the moment. should he get out? or should he stay in the car with minho who will put him in harm? come on jisung. think! go to chan who is sweet and caring or... stay with minho who you can't stand to be apart from and who you think you might be in love with?

he relaxed back in his seat crossing his arms. "just because i decided to stay this time, doesn't mean that i won't leave next time you hurt me."

"is this a threat?" minho cockily raised a brow.

jisung hated how minho was always so uptight cocky when it came to their arguments. he hated how minho thinks he's always right. these thought and this situation alone pissed him off. it's time he finally should say what's on his mind.

"yes it is. and if you put your fucking hands on me one more time like that, i will not hesitate to do it right back. i am fucking done with all this shit you put me through. it's enough. i'm so done with it. so if you want to play dirty then two can play that game."

from; Minhoism

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