chapter seven

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the sound of jisungs alarm ringing through his ears startled him awake. he groaned reaching for his phone, turning the annoying sound off.

today's outfit, he decided on a of pair of simple darkwashed jeans, a burgundy nike crew neck with a white collared shirt underneath. of course topped off with his jewelry.

when on his way to his kitchen to grab a quick snack for breakfast he was frightened by a flash of light, followed by a roar of thunder that shook his house.

"great, just fucking great"

he hated when it rained, not that he hated the rain, don't get him wrong. he actually is quite fond of gloomy weather. just... having to walk to school in the rain isn't necessarily his favorite thing to do.

he grabbed an apple for breakfast, before making his way to his front door. he slid on a pair of white converse to match his outfit and headed out into the rain...with an umbrella of course.


jisung was about half way to the school when a car pulled up beside him on the road.

"Sungie, get in. I don't want you getting a cold."

jisung turns his head to see minho eyeing him down intently. "no thank you, I'm fine walking."

"Han Jisung. that wasn't a question. if I let you keep walking and you get a cold, i'll have to blame myself. so get in." minho's eyes darkened, but not with anger as they did the night it was something else. It was more like...possessiveness.

"a-alright" jisung stuttered.

why do I feel weird?

the younger walked over to the passenger door, avoiding stepping in the small stream of water rushing on the side of the road. He shakily set his hand on the car door handle, opening it with hesitation. once he was inside the car that smelled of Minho, he buckled up and faced forward avoiding eye contact.

the car ride was silent. minho was keeping his eyes fixated on the road ahead, and jisung was subconsciously staring at minhos hands. nice big, veiny, yet delicate hands; they looked so hot when resting upon the steering wheel.

minho was aware of jisungs staring, but just let it happened. he decided to tease him a bit by adjusting his grip on the wheel a few times to read the boy's actions.

unaware that he was, biting his lip while watching his hands, jisung snapped out of it when they came to a stop and minho spoke up.

"do you like my rings, jisung?"

"y-yeah your rings...haha, they're nice..." he laughed awkwardly.

once they arrived at the school, jisung hurried to get out of the car, not because he was necessarily uncomfortable, it's just this whole situation was weird to him. from the break in's, to just being oddly drawn to minho.

minho was going to yell at him to wait up, but brushed it off his shoulder not wanting to draw attention.

In their first class, they didn't interact much like the day before.

but, in their second...

jisung was writing down his notes while minho stared blankly at the wall thinking about who knows what.

"fuck" jisung cursed under his breath when he accidentally knocked off his folder containing lots of loose papers scattering on the floor below him.

he was about to get down to grab the papers but minho intervened. "Let me pick them up"

Jisung simply nodded his head unable to form a word.

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