chapter twenty-one

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ch-chan, i-i don't know what to do.... i-i think i'm in love wi-with him.."

he loves him? chan wasn't sure how to feel other than scared for jisung. he still has a liking towards the boy, of course he did. how could he not. but jisungs feelings weren't necessarily mutual... because he was now in love with someone else... but that someone else was an open abuser. how could he just sit back and watch someone he cared for so much get charmed like this.


"i-i'm sorry ch-chan-"

chan was breaking as he watched the boy in front of him fall apart. he wrapped his arms around jisung pulling him close and whispered "you have nothing to be sorry for, honey. love isn't a feeling that you can control so easily. if you love him, then you love him. i just don't know how i feel with you being so close to him if he's harming you. i don't want to see you hurt like this. i just want you to be safe a-and i don't think safe is with minho..." jisung made a breathy noise as if he was trying to speak but chan disregarded it and continued anyways. "but, if you really love him. like actually love him and you're not just being manipulated...i say to do what makes you happy." this hurt chan to say, more that words can explain. he never wanted to let him go. especially if jisung was just going to walk open arms back to an abuser.

"i-i'm hurting y-you, arent i?" jisungs whispy voice cracked.

chan stayed silent. he wasn't going to lie and deny it. his feelings were definitely a bit hurt, but he didn't care about what he was feeling right now. only jisung mattered.

"jisung, don't think like tha-"

"i-im supposed to be here for- for you but he-here you are, helping m-me... i'm a fucking t-terrible friend" he choked on sobs, balling a weak fist of chan's shirt in his hands. the older just soothed him by rubbing his back.

"jisung you're not a terrible friend, i love you just the way you are. i want to make sure you are actually happy. you'd tell me if minho was forcing you to be with him right?" chan was still worried. he was worried that maybe minho was forcing jisung or manipulating him.

the younger nodded against chan chest. jisung had been through so much already in his past. chan only wished for jisung to finally be happy. he needed to trust the younger. trust him that when he says minho is actually caring for him, that it is true. it was for the best, it was to make him happy.


he brought the blunt back to his lips taking a long hit as the music from the car blared through his ears. minho had been driving around for the past 2 hours trying to settle down, thinking about the argument he had with jisung.

he surprised himself at how calm he was staying. he almost even felt bad for what he did. but more of less, on the inside, he was absolutely pissed. he couldn't get over the fact jisung clearly picked chan and his stupid fucking mother over him.

he continued driving for what felt like hours and finally decided he was cooled down enough to talk this out with jisung. if he was being honest, he was hoping they could just sleep it out like usual.

he began driving back to jisungs house getting more anxious by the second. he hoped jisung would apologize for what he did and they could go back to how happy they were the night before.

he pulled into the driveway, and parked his car. he got out and for once, actually used the front door to get inside. "sungie?" He called out, but got no answer. "darling?" he tried.

He checked all around the house, the bedrooms and bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room. but no sign of the boy.

where the hell is he?

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