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hey guys! this is minmincutieguy speaking..

so me and the other author of this book were talking and we've come to the conclusion that we aren't going to continue this book...

i'm very sorry for discontinuing it but we both just can't write this book anymore.

i am currently writing a few books and i want to start another one.. and i can't balance this one with the others. it would be just be too much for me.

for the other author, they are no longer going to be writing stray kids books. and we are all going to fully respect that. if you want to know more, go check out their message board.

since it ended on a cliffhanger, i will write one last "part" just explaining what we had planned so then you guys aren't left hanging.

again, i'm sorry that this book will no longer be updated. we really love the support you gave and how much love was showed to this book. i hope you guys will be accepting of this and respect our decisions.

thank you <3

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