chapter twenty-two

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⚠️- manslaughter; a little more intense than the last one

minho waited around the hospital waiting for the nurse, something gwan. he had told her, right after getting her number, that he just "couldn't wait to go out with her". so he told her he'd wait till her shift was over so they could go out for whatever.

he had only made a quick stop at his house to grab some things and then headed back to the hospital to wait for the woman.

"hey!" the girl came up to him, and was changed out of her scrubs. she was now wearing blue jeans and a red long sleeve crop top. her hair was still up and her make up was all messy from either her long shift she just had or because she was in a rush to "look pretty".

"hi. ready to go?" minho asked, putting on the most believable smile he could fake.

"yeah! let's go." she smiled and followed minho out to his car.

once they arrived at the car, minho didn't bother opening the door for her, she can do it herself. he will only do that for jisung. the woman gave a slightly annoyed look but brushed it off, opening the door for herself and taking a seat.

"so where are we going?" she asked, folding her hands and resting them in her lap.

"it's a surprise." minho smirked. the woman not noticing the darkness behind it.


as they drove, the city was getting further and further away as they went. tall building were now turning into towering tress that looked down on them.

the woman began to feel sketched out by the darkness surrounding them. "h-hey... where are we going?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"just a little further." minho sang out as he turned onto a dirt road that lead them to the depths of the woods.

the womans breath and heart rate began to quicken as they began driving further and further into the woods. everything civil floating away as they were driving into the darkness of nature.

the area covered by tress, so far away from the road you couldn't even see the passing headlights. it was dark and quiet, they were in so deep that, if you didn't know the area, you wouldn't even know which way to run for safety.

suddenly, minho stopped the car.

the woman was shaking terribly, her hand automatically going to unbuckle her seat belt. but was stopped by minho's hand on top of hers. she looked up with frightened eyes, "w-hat..." before she could finish her sentence, minho cut her off.

"i'm going to let go and unlock the car. i want you to do something for me." minho grabbed the woman by her cheeks to make her teary eyes meet his dark ones, "i want you to run." he said emotionlessly with a devil like aura around him.

minho counted down in his head before letting go of the woman, and unlocking the door. she automatically opened the door and started running in whatever direction her feet would take her. she began to release loud screams for help, that were obviously pointless given the place they were at.

the male waited a few seconds, smiling as he listened to the woman scream and watching her run for her life. he sat there only for a minute or less, till he got out of the car after grabbing his gloves and chains.

he walked calmly, following the girls footsteps, whistling a tune that seemed to fit perfectly with the woman's screams. he was waiting for the perfect moment to finally catch up with her and take away her life.

and that moment finally came.

minho's head tilted and a manic smile spread across his face as he heard the sound of a stick break and the sound of the woman body falling. he smiled even wider when he heard the bone chilling scream erupt from the womans mouth. she was hurt and down, she wouldn't be able to run anymore.

he walked closer and closer to her, whistling and swinging his chains around.

the woman was sitting behind a tree, covering her mouth to silence her sobs and painful screams. she had fallen over a tree root and broke her ankle clean.

she could hear the sound of chains jingling and whistles coming from minho's mouth. every once in a while, she would hear him sing out a "where are you~".

until all the sound stopped.

she kept her hand in place over her mouth for a minute to focus on her surroundings to hear where minho was at. after a few minutes of silence, she removed her hand from her mouth and slowly looked around the corner of the tree. the area was empty and there was no sign of minho anywhere. she let out a relieved sigh and turned back forward, leaning back against the tree.

"gotcha." minho whispered into her ear before wrapping the chains around her neck and pulling back.

she let out a painful scream before it was cut off by the chains closing off her vocal cords. her hands reached behind her to scratch and punch at something but she got no where, till she caught one good scratch on minho's arm.

"dammit! you bitch!" minho hissed at the stinging feeling of his skin breaking from her scratch. it had drew blood and it was a deep scratch on his forearm. it only made him more pissed off and he tightened his grip on the chains to pull it back more to choke her more life threatening.

her body started to become more and more weak, her eyes slowly shutting as the life drained out of her body. and soon enough, she was laying there lifelessly.

minho pulled away, unwrapping the chains from her neck and throwing them in the ground by her dead body. he pulled out his pocket knife and went to the hand that had scratch him. he set the hand down, and in one slice, cut off all of her fingers.

he had to. since she had scratched him, his dna could be found in her nail beds and he couldn't risk anyone finding him.

minho grabbed her fingers and walked a few yards to a near by stream, throwing them in for the animals to eat.

he walked back to the body and grabbed his chains. he took a look at her, admiring the way her face had turned pale and how his chains had been so tight around her neck that blood was dripping from her neck. he knelt down next to her and tilted her head upwards to take a better look at the blood, "the only thing pretty about you is your blood."

he stood up and walked away, leaving the womans lifeless body in the depths of the woods.

fyi; we will be updating three times a week now (;


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