"Thank you." She smiles. She stands up and walks towards the madame as Natasha walks over to you.

"You did amazing, Nat." You give her a kiss.

"Thank you, my love." She holds your hand again and you both sit down watching the girl dance.

"I'll tell you about the mission." She speaks from besides you still watching the girl.

"You don't have to. We can talk about it later."

"No, no. It's best for you to know now rather than later." Her eyes trail to the ground.

"What is it?"

She sighs, "It's a mission for me. You weren't assigned to it."

You scoff, "Excuse me? They know you're my wife right? We literally do everything together!" You start to raise your voice getting annoyed with the council.

"Babe, it's okay. I can do it by myself. You deserve some time off!" Natasha tries to lighten the mood.

"Natasha! Are you serious? We do everything together and your okay with this?" You drag her out of the room into the hallway.

"(Y/N), calm down. I'll be home so fast it'll be like I didn't even leave!" She grips your upper arms. "Please calm down. It's a private mission for me only. Leave it at that. Please."

Your mind is racing. How is she so calm? Why aren't you getting to go on this private mission with your partner? No less, YOUR wife. Releasing a breath from your nose you nod your head. "You know what? Fine. When do you leave?"

She visibly gulps. "At midnight tonight."

A rush of dread filled your body. A small smile gals upon your face as you look at the red head. "Alright. I shall wait for your return then. Good luck." You give her a kiss before you both go your separate ways.


Seven hours later a knock is heard at your bedroom door. I hope it's a messenger with good news.

"Miss (Y/N)? I'm here to rely a message to you." She voice quivers a bit.

You throw open the door. "What is it."

"I-It's from the Head Master. S-She said Natasha is in a brutal fight right now with the avengers."

"Are you kidding? Are you here to tell me to go help her?"

"No-No. she just wants to keep you updated. There has been no further recruitment for the mission." She small woman speaks, frightened of you.

A massive wave of fear strikes your heart. "Is she injured?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am. She's very tired and has a wounded shoulder. It's been going on for an hour now."

Nodding and biting your lip, you respond with, "Keep me updated."

The girl nods and hurriedly shuffled away from your quarters back to the main part of the building.

"C'mon, Nat. I need to see you again."

Ending 1

You sit up from the couch in your room hearing shouting and running feet from outside your room.

What the hell is going on?

The door to your room slams open and the little girl you both had watched danced earlier that morning starts shouting at you. "Miss (Y/N)! Natasha Romanoff has returned from her mission!! Get up!"

Once you heard that name leave the little girls mouth you stood and started rushing towards the door. "Move it pipsqueak, I'm going to go see my wife!"

You barrel down the long hallways and you see a huge group of people standing at the entrance outside. "Move it!" You shout shoving people away.

In the distance you see a car pull up the driveway to the mansion. It pulls to a stop once it reaches the edge of the driveway, and a singular humanoid figure emerges from the car with a huge limp, while hugging their shoulder; red hair falls over their shoulder into their face.

"Romanoff..." You breathe out stumbling forward.

The closer the human got, the closer you could see the face. She was looking only at you with a swollen eye.

"Natasha..." You start to jog towards her. She pauses in her spot looking at you, she then slowly opens her arms to you.

You break out into a full on sprint at her. Once you get into arms length you smash your face into hers and give her a kiss, the both of you falling to the ground.

"What the hell (Y/N)!" She winces at the pain you have caused her but she gives you another kiss.

"I missed you, Nat." You continue to hug her. She had one of her arms propped up on the ground to keep you both sitting up, and the other is holding your body close to hers.

"I thought of you the entire time."

You pull away from her. "God, I love you." She gives you a light chuckle as you kiss her forehead and help her up.

Ending 2

A knock is heard from your door, and you stand to answer it. "Who is it?"

"I'm here to rely a message, again." You hear the same voice from earlier, the voice holding remorse.

You open the door and are met with somber eyes. "What's going on?"

"We've got news on Miss Romanoff." She speaks.

Your eyes light up in delight, "That's great! Where is she? Is she okay?" You go to move past the girl but she pushes you back.

Puzzled you start to yell, "Excuse me? Why-"

"I- Um..." The girl looks down at her feet.

Your heart starts racing. "What's going on. Tell me immediately."

"Miss (Y/N)...." Tears begin to rim the girls eyes as she looks up at you.

Your heart sinks to your ass. "Is she okay? Where is she?!" You grab the girls shirt.


"Tell me right now or I swear to g-"

"She's gone."

You drop the girl and she falls to her knees. "What do you mean she's gone?"

The girl looks up at you. "The avengers- they took her."

You let out a sigh of relief. "Oh my god, I thought she died- Wait, she's what?!"

"Thankfully Miss Romanoff isn't dead, but she left us."

You cross your arms, "She wouldn't just leave me. She must be kidnapped, so she's fine."

The girl looks at you dead in the eye. "They asked her to join them. And she said yes."

Taken aback, you stumble back into your room. The girl follows you inside.

You shake your head, "There's no way. She would never just betray us THAT fast! She left ME!"

The girl stays silent not sure what to say to the raging assassin.

Rubbing your eyes. "How do I know what you're saying is true?"

"The spies we sent to watch over her reported back an hour ago telling us the intel."

Nodding your head in disbelief, "No fucking way..."

"I'm sorry Miss (Y/L/N), what do you want me to do for you?"

Your heart aches yet your blood is boiling. You take off your necklace with your wedding ring attached to it, and you hand it to the girl. You have to do this.

"Find her."

She girl nods grabbing the necklace and inspecting the ring, "Then what?"

"I'll end her; for Red Room Academy."

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