" I know, I babbled a lot about kings, queens, and chess, and given that this is your uncle we are talking about, it might be difficult for you to believe, but think about it, killing me would be too obvious, so bending me to his will is the next best option, at least for the time being, If Marcus loves Nora like a daughter why not set her up with Nico?, Why he pushes her to become a wife to his nephew instead of his son?, I'll tell you why, because he wants the throne and to get it he first needs to make the king his puppet, and that can only be achieved if the one who has a stronger hold on Emilio is loyal to Marcus, Nora would be perfect"

"What he didn't count on was 1.Emilio falling in love with me, love is independent of anyone's actions, you can make plans all you like, but no one decides who to be in love with who, the heart chooses, the heart decides and the final decision of whether it was a good or bad choice, is decided at a later stage, not by a third party but the two people involved in that relationship. 2. the rules to the famous games of power changing because you see my dear brother, my King is not just muscle, who is vulnerable on his own, he is intelligent, we protect each other, we depend on each other, apart from each other we can still get things done but maybe if the opponent has the power or brains to, they may be able to take us down, but together it's almost impossible, I say almost because this life is full of nasty surprises and it's never a wise move to underestimate your enemies, When Emilio asked me to become his wife, You know what he said?" I asked as we reached the house.


"He said: I do not wish for a wife, I wish for you to become my wife".

"And immediately after I agreed, my training started, taking love out of the equation, the man knew exactly what he was doing, he saw something in me that night and something I couldn't see myself, now here we are, we make a great team," I shrug parking the car on the driveway, behind a red sports car.

"Now, I know Marcus is family, and I will never hurt family, not unless it becomes necessary to do so, that does not mean I am not keeping an eye on him, He knows that we are close, so I need you to be careful around him, greed makes people do unspeakable things" Enzo nods and asks

" So are we still telling them about, jelly bean?"

"Jelly bean?" I ask confused

"Yes Sorellina Jelly bean, the baby" I Laugh at his nickname

"Only Emilio and you will know, for now, maybe mom but will have to bribe her to keep it hush" Enzo laughs as we step out of the car, I grab my purse and cellphone and trail behind Enzo when I hear Marcus's voice booms at the door.

"Vincenzo!, my boy"



I parked behind Iva's car and get out to see my uncle and my brother embracing each other, I laughed as I watched Iva roll her eyes in annoyance, the two never liked each other, they have tolerated each other's presence and continue to do so for the sake of the family.

It is mainly my uncle's fault, he never wanted to accept Iva as my Queen from the get-go, even when my parents approved of her and loved her like their own he still insists on giving her a hard time.

Iva never backs down though, she made sure he knew she wasn't going anywhere and that he can not scare her off, I was very proud of her for displaying her strength and refused to be bullied, even though I did threaten my uncle to have him castrated if harm ever came her way, he could see that Iva submits to no one.

No one but me of course.

I smirk at the thought of her bending to my will, quite literally. She was not easily intimidated by muscle like most women, instead, being underestimated amuses and entertains her.

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