"Yep. Both theories we can't really prove, but they make the most sense. Is everyone in agreement to put this in the binder?" Sadie asked with the click of her pen. You nodded and looked around the room to see the others doing the same. Most theories about the paranormal couldn't be proven, there was no way to. Most of these creatures weren't known to stay in one spot, and that was especially true for Slenderman. He was said to lurk in forests, not the forest, forests. All over the world, wherever he desired. If he exists, he's powerful, very very powerful. This obvious fact made you question why on earth you and your group thought it was a good idea to look into the legend, but ultimately fear couldn't stop your curiosity. You wanted answers. Your group wanted answers. The paranoia didn't matter, you all just wanted to know more.

Sadie scribbled down the theories into the Slenderman section of the binder and finished with a sigh,

"Now, anyone see anything about the proxy trials?"

Jade huffed, "Of course, and it sounds like bullshit."

"I agree, but I think there could be something similar." Sadie smiled.

"Then what about the proxies, Masky and Hoodie?" Emery inquired. Ah yes, the proxies. You hadn't yet gotten around to watching Marble Hornets, but you had seen enough about the two characters to know that most had not watched it either. Masky was portrayed as a stoic man that was usually quite pissed off. He had dark brown hair with the thickest sideburns most had ever seen. He wore a tan jacket and plain jeans with a white and black mask. Then Hoodie was portrayed as a quiet man who didn't show much emotion. He had light brown hair and wore a tan orange-yellow hoodie with a black ski mask. Their names were rather funny, yet fitting.

"Oh yeah! Did anyone watch Marble Hornets?" Sadie exclaimed. You and Emery shook your heads while Jade shrugged,

"I started it, only got to five entries though."

Sadie grabbed the remote off of the coffee table, "Before making a decision about them, we should probably watch the ARG first. Wanna start today?"

"Sure," Emery said with a smile and shut her laptop. Sadie turned on the television and went to the YouTube app. She looked up the ARG and clicked on a playlist. There were over fifty entries, but each video wasn't very long, most were around five minutes. Everyone set down their laptops and looked at the TV. Other than Marble Hornets, there were a bunch of other ARG's but those would be seen another day.

As everyone sprawled out on the dark gray couch, the sun began to set and shadows were cast over the room. Everyone was curled up with a blanket and looked very comfortable. The time went by slowly, and after only a couple of hours, you had watched well over thirty entries. After around twenty entries Emery had gotten up to make some popcorn and returned with filled bowls for everyone. You as well as everyone else happily took a bowl and began eating. In about an hour or so someone would make dinner, but until then popcorn was filling enough.

The story of Marble Hornets was a very interesting one. It had similar themes to The Blair Witch Project but dealt with the Operator rather than a witch. It was a found footage story about a man named Jay who found some tapes that his friend Alex had made. Alex had started filming a movie with the title 'Marble Hornets', but the project was never completed. The tapes contained some clips from the movie as well as strange occurrences that happened to him. This was the origin story of Masky and Hoodie, whose names were actually Tim and Brian. After watching the tapes Jay wanted to find Alex and find out what happened to him, but he ended up discovering more than he wanted. Jay began recording himself just as Alex did, and he started experiencing the same sort of things. Everything went downhill from there and several people die, including Jay. Brian supposedly died as well, and Tim was left to run from his problems.

After many hours, you along with your group had successfully completed Marble Hornets. Dinner was made and eaten long ago, and now all that was left to do was have a final discussion of the night.

"So, thoughts?" Emery sat up and looked around the room.

It was silent for a moment before you spoke, "I don't know... It's pretty unlikely that they exist, the ARG isn't real, it's just a film project." You paused, "And I doubt they'd expose themselves if this was real."

Sadie nodded, "Yep. I think it's unlikely enough to mark it as false. Everyone agree?" Jade and Emery nodded and the group's conclusion was added to the binder. Another day, another theory debunked. Maybe.

Sadie shut the binder and shut her laptop, "Alright, is everyone free Sunday at 3:00 pm?" Once again the group was in agreement, and in two days another meeting would be held. Everyone gathered their belongings and headed up to their rooms. You put everything away before jumping into bed. Saying you were tired was an understatement. You hadn't pulled an all-nighter, but you only got around four hours of sleep. The bags under your eyes grew by the day, and you knew that your sleep schedule needed some serious repairs.

You tossed and turned a bit before finally getting comfortable and relaxing. Sleep came after many silent minutes, and your thoughts faded away.

4.8 pages, 1,580 words

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