The inside of the tent was large with a whole living room that had a fireplace and two sets of bunk beds. There was also a small kitchen with a large dining table at the center of it.

Hermione poured tea from a kettle into four ornate teacups.

Riley, Harry, and Hermione sat at a large wooden table eating mushrooms in a bowl. Riley was very close to throwing up as she spooned the brown food in her mouth.

"How're the mushrooms? Seem to be the only edible things growing around here," Hermione asked as she looked expectantly at Harry and Riley.

"They're great," Harry lied as he grimaced.

"Yeah, yum," Riley winced.

"Make sure to leave some for Ron," Hermione turned away as Riley spat some of the mush on the floor out of disgust.

"No problem," the boy who lived said under his breath.

"Yeah that shit is nasty," the blonde gagged again.

Harry laughed at her antics and then placed a chaste kiss on her lips making her smile.

He then looked at the gold locket on the table and dangled it in the firelight.

"How bad is he?" Riley glanced at Ron and then looked at Hermione.

"He'll be alright in a few days. Hopefully. If we could take him to Hogwarts, to Madam Pomfrey-" Hermione was cut off by Harry's stare at her.

"I wish, I miss that place," Riley mumbled.

"So where do we go next?" Hermione sat down next to Harry.

"Dumbledore had a theory. He felt that the Horcruxes would not be made out of random objects. And he felt they wouldn't be hidden randomly either. We know of three so far. The ring, which according to Dumbledore belonged to Tom Riddle's grandfather. The diary, which belonged to Tom himself. And this, which again, according to Dumbledore belonged to his mother," Harry explained.

"It scares me a bit, that, thinking it's a piece of Vol-" Hermione started.

"No, don't! Don't say it!" the three turned and looked at Ron who stirred.

"It's taboo- You-Know-Who's name. That's how they track people now. It's how they found us in the cafe that night," Ron looked frightened.

"How do you know?" Riley put her head in her hands.

"I overheard a bloke from the enforcement office talking about it at the Ministry. Blimey, what's that smell?" Ron sniffed with repulsiveness.

"Dinner?" Hermione asked no longer confident.

"Not bloody likely. Smells like something Ginny would cook," the Weasley scoffed.

"What's with the bad attitude?" Riley gave Ron a withering glare.

"Riley, it's ok now do you want tea, Ronald?" Hermione questioned as she gave Riley a warning look.

Ron nodded while getting up from his bunk bed. He noticed the sling Hermione had fashioned for him. A flicker of remorse flashed on his face as he watched the bookworm pour tea into a cup.

"Is that it?" Ron pointed at the gold locket in Harry's palm.

"Yup, that's the Horcrux," the blonde American answered as Harry handed him the locket.

Ron frowned when he held the light locket in his hand.

"I know. I felt it too. It's... it's like it's ticking or something, like it has a tiny metal heart like it's..." Harry shook his head.

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