
Start from the beginning

Katsuki frowned his eyebrows looking at Denki, he looked so hurt. Denki's hands went up and held onto Katsuki's wrist.
Denki said weakly.

His voice was sore and broke when he talked.
It hurt Katsuki to listen, it hurt even more seeing denki's tears replace more tears that he had wiped away.
"What happened?"

Denki tried to get a hold of himself but he just couldn't. He couldn't bare the thoughts of shinso cheating. He knew shinso wouldn't ever..but at the same time...would he?

"What? What about shinso?"
Katsuki asked, guiding Denki to sit down. He got Denki onto the bed, sitting next to him.

"Maybe..maybe I'm not enough. Maybe that why he's doing this. Is he really doing this though? Maybe it's in my head. Katsuki I don't know what's going on!"
Denki started hyperventilating.
"I try so hard to be everything you three could need but maybe I'm not doing enough, what if he doesn't like me anymore and he's planning on replacing me?"

"Denki, baby calm down. Try to breath. Follow my breathing okay?"
Katsuki saw Denki nod before breathing in for four seconds, holding for two then exhaling for eight.

Denki followed but barely. His lungs felt like they weren't getting in enough air, he was never holding enough but he tried.

Katsuki told him.
"Now can you try again?"

Denki shook his head.
He couldn't do that. He needed air, he was suffocating.

"No, please. Try again. Another breath, okay? Follow me."
Katsuki didn't wait for Denki to nod or say anything before taking in a breath.

He hoped Denki would follow, which after a second he did.
Denki followed Katsuki just like before except breaking during the exhale and taking in more air then necessary.

"Okay, you did good"
Katsuki praised.
He wrapped an arm around Denki and pulled him into his lap.
Katsuki cradled Denki as he sobbed into his chest.
"What happened?"

Denki grabbed Katsuki's shirt in a fistful. He needed to hold something, he felt like he was losing it.
"Iida.. He's with i-ida again.."

Katsuki rubbed denki's back as he listened, nodding to everything Denki said.

"Is he going to leave me? I know I've not been as g-"

"Shh, hes-"

The door opened and Kirishima walked in.
"He's leaving us!?"
He asked, shutting the door.

Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"No, he's just busy. Don't worry."

"Whew. I got worried there.."
Eijiro picked up Katsuki's phone and set it on the side table.
"Denk..you okay? Whats going on?"

Denki sobbed closer to Katsuki, hiding his face with Katsuki's hoodie baggage.

"Shinso is hanging out with i-ida, again."
Katsuki explained.
He wasn't annoyed with any of them, not at all. He thought that this whole thing has gone on far too long.

So, Katsuki was forming a plan for when shinso got done with what he was doing.
They needed information, it was clearly tearing them apart.

Eijiro rubbed the back of his neck trying to ignore how his heart beat went up.

"Don't you dare break on me too."
Katsuki said, looking at Eijiro
Eijiro nodded, knowing that it was going to be hard enough to get Denki to calm down.

Eijiro made his way behind Katsuki and Denki on the bed.
He rubbed Katsuki's shoulders lightly with one hand and with the other he rubbed denki's scalp.
"It'll be okay Denki. We're going to figure it out."

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