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"Wow! They look so cool on the cover photo!"

"Wow! How long has it been since crush released a new song?!" Sua and Jugyeong yells as they admire their new albums.

"Ma'am, can I have 3 corndogs please?" I ask handing her the money.

"But Violet, why didn't you buy one?" Sua asks me.

"I'm just not a massive fan of any artists," I lie slightly instead of telling her I must save my money so I can finally live on my own without having to rely on my mum.

"They look delicious," I say as we get our corndogs and start walking.

"Let's have a look what's in Hyemin's bag, shall we?"

"That hurts!"

"It hurts?"

We look a head to see a Saebom student being bullied by my dumb cousin, Saemi.

"Are they bullying a student from Saebom?" Sua asks and me and Jugyeong share a look before running after them.

"Yah, Park Saemi!" I yell as they finally stop and her and her gang turn to us.

"Lim Jugyeong? Jeon Violet?" She laughs with her minions.

"It's a good timing. We haven't seen you in a while, dumpling," She smirks, and it takes everything in me to not go over and punch her right now.

"Hyemin, come here." Jugyeong demands and the small girl gets pulled back at first but finally breaks free and runs and stands next to me.

"So, I heard you're the two dating Lee Suho and Han Seojun. You've both grown up. I heard your video got leaked and that they found out who Violet really is. A slut. Your lives are ruins. It's not like you can be reborn" She says, and they all obnoxiously laugh.

"You!" Ju shouts and throws her corndog, hitting her square in the face, covering her in tomato ketchup.

After that, we all run at each other and I get into a fight with one of her minions.

"How can you show your face round here, huh? Was stealing Saemi's boyfriend not enough?" She teases and I dodge her fist.

"I didn't steal her boyfriend," I reply and punch her in her nose.

"Bullshit. Even the court didn't believe it . That's why he isn't locked up. Your just an attention seeker," She yells and before I can punch her, I am knocked to the floor and she punches my face, before I manage to push her off and manage to land a few punches before she moves her head and I end up punching the ground, grazing my knuckles.

"Hey! What are you doing picking on Saebom students??!" We all freeze and look up to see Chorong, eating a corndog.

"You guys clear out, I'll deal with this," He says and Sua and Ju run over and help me up before we run off.

- - - - -

"Thanks, you guys," Hyemin says as we eat our Teokkboki

"Don't go with them if they try to take you. Just call police if they do," Ju says and I laugh at her seriousness.

"Saemi doesn't scare me anymore. Back then, she seemed beatable I don't know why I was so scared of her. I should have stood up for myself sooner," She tells us.

"Me too," Jugyeong agrees with her

"Well, you have us now anyway, so don't worry. I'll tell my auntie everything about her," I promise

"Auntie?" Sua asks, confused.

"Yeah. Saemi is my cousin. She is the one that told Sujin all that stuff. She's probably the one who gave her Ju's pictures as well. Luckily, I don't speak to that side of the family anymore," I explain as we keep eating.

"Oh no, I got this today! I couldn't protect you guys! I'm sorry!" Sua cries as she hugs her newly bought album.

"Do you want this one? I usually buy 2 anyway?" Hyemin offers and Sua accepts before they bond over Eighteen.

- - - - -

"Mom!!" I yell and run over to her.

"Violet, how was school?" She asked worriedly.

"Perfect. I went out with friends after. I know you leave Sunday but can I bring Suho over before you leave?" I ask, looking up at her.

"Of course. You know I really want to meet the man my daughter is dating," She agrees.

"Okay, thank you!" I kiss her cheek and run to lay on the bed. I should probably call Suho but I fall asleep before I remember to.

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