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I walk into class prepared and ready for the test, reciting everything I need to remember in my head before we begin.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask Sua and Jugyeong as I pin my hair back so it inst in my face

"I am going to answer everything!" Ju says confidently before clipping her hair back and starting to focus.

"Good luck!!" I say before going to my seat and starting my first exam of them all

- - - - -

Sua gives us the cue and we run to get changed before heading to the stadium to watch Ryu Hyungjin play baseball.

"What did you tell Taehoon?" I ask Sua, curious.

"That its my grandmas 80th birthday." She says and we hear someone yell "I wish you the best of health ma'am" and we turn around and see Taehoon and Suho.

"You must have rented out a stadium for her birthday," He says and makes me move over one so he can sit next to Sua whilst Suho sits next to Jugyeong on the end.

"Since when have you and Taehoon been close enough to come to a baseball game together?" Sua ask Suho

"We're close starting today," He explains and we focus on the game again, cheering on our team.

- - - - -

We head to see Hyungjin with Sua and she gets really hyped up and excited, saying "He's so good, isn't he! What if he gets scouted by the big league?"

"I'm going to throw this out," Suho tells me and walks away with our rubbish.

"Hyungjin oppa! Over here!!" She shouts but he walks straight past them and over to me, leaving us all confused.

"I've been looking everywhere for you since my last game. Are you Sua's friend?" He asks me.

"What?" I reply confused

"Two Strike! Your even prettier up close. Your Sua's friend, which means I'm older," and I nod.

"Ooooh, what's going on?" All the other players yell and make their way over.

"Can I have your number?" He asks, holding out his phone .

"Give him your number! Give him your number!"

"I need to get going, so hurry," He says and I grab his phone and enter my number.

"Saved. I'll be in touch." He smiles and walks away.

"Wow! Wow! Hyungjin oppa must be head over heels for you, he asked for your number!!" Sua celebrates.

"Don't you know what a scary the world it is? Sua knowing him doesn't make it okay. What if he's bad news?" Suho yells as he comes back over.

"What?" I ask, confused

"I'll get going," He says and suddenly leaves.

What the hell is going on with him?

- - - - -

"Enjoy your date!!" Sua says before her and Jugyeong run away.

"Guys!! Hey, Guys?! What do you mean?!" I yell but before I could go after them, Hyungjin comes and stand in front of me.


"I wanted to walk you home. But that's just an excuse. I wanted to see you so much I snuck out of the boarding house." He tells me.

"Can you do that?" I ask shocked.

"Of course not. If I get caught, I could be kicked off the team!!" He says

"The please head back!!" I say, worriedly.

"Why would they kick out their ace player?" He laughs

"I guess your right," I blush and we start walking

"It looks like I'm completely hooked," He says and leans down to my height.

"Come on, I'll buy you a coffee," He says and we start walking.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks once we have our drinks

"No," I tell him

"Is that so? I don't have a girlfriend either. What is the chance of someone I like liking me back? It seems just as low as a chance of a perfect game in baseball," He explains 

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