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**Mention of Sexual Assault**

I walk into school the next day, running a little bit late so I head straight to class. I look around and see almost everyone here but Suho's seat is empty, leaving me wondering where he is.

'Did he walk home in the rain? Is he sick?' I wonder as Sua, Sujin and Ju I walk to music class.

"I need to go do something, I'll meet you later," I tell the girls and walk to the courtyard.

Violet: Are you okay?

Violet: Why weren't you at school?

I walk around whilst I wait for a reply, but I don't get anything before I have to go back to class. I hope he's okay.

- - - - -

"Why didn't I check who I was texting? This is horrifying" Jugyeong cries and I look at her phone, confused.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I sent a stupid picture of myself to Suho instead of my brother!! And he's read it!" She explains and I let out a small laugh.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure he'll forget it. Can you text Sua that we're almost there?" I ask and she nods.

I turn my eyes to watch where we are going and stop in my tracks when I see the guy from the night me and Seojun were chased.

"Ju, run." I say before turning us around and pulling her to run.

"What?" Sha questions but listens try we run. Before we can both run away, we are blocked at the end of the street and before we can turn and go a different direction, we are surrounded.

"Hi, Violet and Jugyeong. How have you been?" Lee Sung yong greets and I begin to panic.

"Run." I say and we both run in opposite directions, but we are both unsuccessful and are pulled back into the centre of the circle of boys.

"Come on," He says, and I grab Jugyeong's hand tightly as we are both pulled to the Karaoke place down the street.

"When we get there, video call Sua so she can see where we are. We'll be fine I promise," I whisper before we are pushed forward and told to stop talking.

We are pulled into one of the room and I try to keep a tight grip on her hand but we are dragged apart and put on different sofas.

"Phone. Give me your phone, now." He demands from his seat beside me so I just pass it to him and unlock it.

"Hey, Seojun. You must have picked up so quickly because it's your girlfriends phone. I'll be waiting at the karaoke place with your girlfriend and her pretty friend too. Don't keep me waiting," He says as he leans towards me and brushes my hair back before putting my phone on the table before grabbing a cigarette and sitting on the table.

"What do you want to do until you boyfriend get here?" He smirks

"I don't have a boyfriend," I explain and he laughs before


"Really?" He asks and sit next to me and wraps his arm around me but I don't pay attention as I make eye contact with Ju and gesture towards the phone, which she sneakily picks up and hides as she face calls Sua, like I told her to.

I feel a hand on my thigh and turn to see the pervert Sung yong touching me and sliding his hand up my leg.

"Get off!!" I yell and grab his hand and try to push it away but he is much more stronger than me and I am unable to stop his hand from climbing further and further up my leg.

Just as his hand slipped into my underwear, the door bursts open and stood there is Suho

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