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It is dark when I finally head home. As I walk down the street to the bus station, I finally decide to tell Sujin and take a detour and wait outside as I text her to come down.

"Violet? Are you okay? Everyone has been looking for you?" Sujin asks, confused and worried.

"I'm fine. I just needed to go somewhere urgently. I need to tell you something. I don't think I should keep it a secret any more...," I say, nervously.

"What is it?" She asks

"Me and Suho are dating. I really like him a lot. I didn't want to hide it, but I was afraid you would hate me if I told you and I don't want to lose you. I wanted to tell you first, but when you admitted you like him, I couldn't bring myself to tell you but I couldn't lie anymore. I'm sorry" I explain, waiting for her reaction.

"Id be lying if I told you I'm okay. It's upsetting. But this is not the first time I felt like this towards Suho but it didn't last very long back then. When you're friends with someone for a long time, it's normal to get confused every now and then. That's all it is so you don't have to feel sorry about it," She says and smiles but I know it is fake.

"Sujin..." I cry again.

"Don't cry! You are making me feel like I gave you a hard time by telling you how I feel. You didn't do anything wrong. Suho likes you so there is nothing I can do about it. Once I get over him, your relationship with Suh and our friendship will remain the same," She promises and brings me into a hug.

"Thank you, Sujin," I say into her shoulder before pulling me away and wiping my tears.

"Go, you should get home," She says and I nod, before heading off.

- - - - -

I walk down the street and finally decide to turn my phone on finally, and I am bombarded with hundreds of calls and messages from Jugyeong and a few of my other friends, all probably asking where I am. I'll check them alter.

I walk through the door and before I can even take my shoes off, Mr Lim runs over to me.

"Why are you here and not at the hospital?" He asks, shocked.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Suho and Seojun... They've been in a car accident..." He says and I run back out and to the bus stop, heading straight to the hospital this time.

I see Jugyeong walking to leave the hospital so I run over to her.

"Violet? Where have been? Why haven't you been-" She goes to ask.

"Where are they? Suho and Seojun?!" I cut her off.

She tells me their room number and I run off and run into their room.

"How could you?!" I yell standing in front of them Suho with a cast on his left leg and Seojun with 2 casts on his arms, both with cuts all over their faces.

"I already lost one of my best friends a year ago and now... you... you guys go and end up doing this!! Do you know how worried I was when I found out that you were in a car accident!! I was terrified!!" I shout and my voice starts breaking half way through.

"Why?" I whimper and finally break down again.

"Come here," Suho says and opens his arms. I rush over and carefully rest my head on his chest and Seojun walk over and pats my back the best he could with his broken arms as I cry out all of the worry I was holding in, as Suho strokes his fingers through my hair.

"We're sorry," They both say once I've calmed down.

"No, it's fine. It's not like you did this on purpose. I was just so scared that it was really bad and I wouldn't get to see you guys again," I sniffle.

"You guys are okay, right?" I finally ask them.

They explain their injuries before a nurse comes in and tells me that visiting time is about to end.

"I'll come back tomorrow after school. Both of you rest well," I say before I leave.

- - - - -

I walk out to see Jugyeong sat in the waiting room

"What are you still doing here?" I question.

"waiting for you so we can walk home together. Let's go," She smiles and we link arms.

"Ju, I actually need to tell you something important," I say.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Me and Suho.. are dating..." I reveal and wait for her reaction.

"What?" She says, shocked.

"I already told Sujin today but I wanted to tell you both earlier but then I heard you tell Sujin that you liked him, so I felt to scared to tell you," I ramble and she cuts me off by squeezing my hand

"It's okay," She assures.

"Are you sure? You can yell and cuss at me all you want, Ju. Just tell me how you feel," I tell her and she just laughs.

"I'm really fine. I do like Suho. But I don't want to ruin our friendship over him, its too important to me for that and I am so glad you are happy" She explains, making me feel a weight of my shoulders.

"Really? I ask now perked up

"Yes, I promise," She tells me

"Thank you so much! Now let's go home, okay?" I ask and she nods and we walk home with our arms linked, laughing as best friends should.

I am so glad I met Jugyeong.

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