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I link arms with Jugyeong as we walk up to the school gate, laughing as we see her face everywhere.

"Pass me your phone, I'll take a picture," I say and grab her phone poses with her cardboard cut-out.

"How do I look?" She asks, running back over.

"Pretty," I smile, handing her phone back over and walking to class with her again.

I look at all the poster on the wall next to me, when I feel Jugyeong get jerked back from me. I turn and see her holding her arm in pain.

"Yah, watch where you are going!!" I snap at the guy before grabbing Ju and asking if she is okay.

"What is going on with everybody today?" I ask as we turn and enter the classroom.

Everyone stares at Jugyeong before Sua runs over to us.

"Jugyeong, is this really you?" She asks and holds her phone up to show a picture of Jugyeong getting trash thrown over her with no makeup on and when she doesn't answer, Sua runs off.

"Jugyeong..." I trail off, wanting to ask her but she runs off before I can

I look around the class, still whispering and pointing.

"Your all pathetic," I snap and run after Ju to see her on the floor with Suho knelt next to her.

"Ju!" I yell and run over to help her up but she pushes me and Suho off and leaves again so I quickly follow after her to see the bullies drag her into the toilet.

When I walk in, I see them wiping her make up off, so I runover and barge past everyone, before I walk in and grab her hand.

"Let her go!" I snap and throw the tissue in her hand.

"Why should I? I want to see what her face really looks like," She says, smirking.

"Because she doesn't deserve this!!" I yell and share a look with Jugyeong before she runs off.

I run to follow her but am stopped by Sujin

"Break up with Suho." She demands

"What? Why would I do that?" I ask, confused.

"You saw what I did to Jugyeong. Your next if you don't break up with him," She threatens

"Whatever. How could you do those to her? I thought we were all friends? Guess you're not the friend I originally thought you were," I snap and yank my wrist out of her grip and storm off

- - - - -

"Have you seen Jugyeong?" We ask Seojun as he walks up to the school.

"She just ran out of the gate. Why?" He asks but we just run past him

"You take left, I'll take right," I say and we separate to find her faster and comfort her before she does anything drastic.

Violet: Have you found her yet?

Suho: No luck

Suho: Where else could she be?

Violet: I don't know

Violet: Let's meet up outside my house

I head home and see Suho speaking to Mrs Lim so I run over.

"Bye any chance, did Jugyeong?" Suho trails off

"Jugyeong?" She asks confused.

"Never mind. We'll be off," He says and grabs my hand and pulls me away.

After a few hours searching, it is dark and we have no idea where Jugyeong disappeared.

"Why don't you go home and look there again? I have a few ideas of where she might be," He suggests and I nod, hugging him before I head home to look for her.

As I turn to the corner, I meet her eyes and she looks away before going in and slamming the gate. Why is she avoiding me so much? I just want to help.

I text Suho and decide to update him

Suho: Did you find her?

Violet: Yeah but I don't think she wants me there.

Violet: Can I stay at yours for a while?

Suho: Of course

Suho: Go there now I'm on my way.

I go to Suho's house and ring the doorbell to see if he's home and he lets me in.

"Is she okay?" He asks.

"I don't know. As soon as she saw me, she ran," I tell him, taking my bag of, along with my coat and shoes and leave them at the door.

"She probably just needs space to calm down. Come here and lets go watch some movies to relax a little before bed," He says and pulls me to the sofa, where he sits down and pulls my head onto his lap, running his finger through my hair.

I hop in the shower before bed and put on one of Suho's giant hoodies and nothing apart from underwear, as it comes down my mid-thigh and I walk out and see Suho sat on his bed.

"Suho... Is it okay if I sleep on the bed with you?" I request, shyly before he smiles.

"Come here," He laughs and I jump in next to him and cuddle into his warm arms before falling asleep

High School Sweethearts ~ Lee Suho FanficWhere stories live. Discover now