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I walk into school with Jugyeong but she soon freezes and turns around. I turn to see what she was looking at but I only see Suho, who has stopped and is looking at me.

"Hello," He says, as I walk over to him.

"Hey," I smile and we walk to class.

Once we are in class, I get my test back, as expected, I get 3rd in the class, most likely after Suho and Sujin.

"Even the most beautiful flowers had to endure the wind as they bloomed. So don't let your grades upset you too much."

"Sir, will you please stop?!"


"Mr Han!"

"I'm meeting with your parents today. Those whose parents are expected to come, let me know if they wish to change their schedule," He says and we all begin chatting to each other before class ends.

I go to the cafeteria to grab some food before sitting with the girls before Hyunkyu runs in. shouting "I have some big news!"

We all turn and look at him and see him point to Suho.

"Lee Suho. Your dad is Lee Joohun?"


"The celebrity?"

"My mom is a huge fan."

"Can you ask him for an autogra-"

Suho stand up and storms out and I share a look with Sujin before explaining to Ju and Sua.

"Did you guys know about this?"

"Suho hates people finding out about his dad." Sujin tells them

"No wonder he didn't tell anyone," Ju whispers.

"Lee Joohun is the CEO of Move Entertainment. Does this mean Suho is rich? I always wondered why he looked down on everyone. But I get it now. He lives in a completely different world," Sua rambles, with Ju agreeing.

"Wait, Lee Joohun's wife died a while ago. Does that mean Suho's–"

"Hey!" Me and Sujin shout in sync cutting her off before she can say anything insensitive.

"Stop talking nonsense and just shut your mouth and eat," Sujin snaps and from then on it is an awkward silence between the 4 of us.

- - - - -

"Are you okay?" I ask Jugyeong, who looks upset whilst sat next to Sujin, when I finish calling my mum

"Yeah. Just sad about report card." She sighs

"How about this, I'll come over and we can have a tutor day where I help you with all you need?" I offer, wanting to help her anyway possible.

"Okay. How about Wednesday after school? I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind" She smiles and we shake hands in agreement.

"That's fine with me," and we shake hands in agreement.

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