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"I'm MC Jaerong!! The cutest recreation MC ever! It's nice to meet you all!" The guy in the pink suit yells and we all cheer.

"Do you know the newspaper game?!"


Each group consists of four people so choose whom you think is going to be really good. The group has to be 4!! Not three or five!!" He says and before I can walk off because there is one to many people for the groups to have the same amount so I go to sit out and watch from the bench. Before I can, I am pushed into a group consisting of Suho, Sua and Sujin whilst Taehoon is gesturing for me to join them.

"Why would you leave your girlfriend to be in another group?" Sua yells and I move away as she pulls him back in.

"Guys, it's fine. There is one to many people so I'm going to sit out. I'll be fine," I smile and walk over and sit on the bench.

I watch everyone fall over in the first round, leaving 3 groups standing.

"Okay, now listen up. this is important. These teams are really good so let's upgrade it a little. Fold the newspaper into a fourth of its current size!"

Seojun picks Ju up bridal style and Suho does the same to Sujin. Sua is right. They would make a really cute couple. I look away and pull out my phone and scroll through stargram whilst I wate for the games to finish so I can go back to my friends and forget about what I'm feeling.

I head to my tent and get changed into something warmer and then go to the gazebo, where everyone is eating and go over to sit between Sujin and Jugyeong.

"It looks delicious," I say and grab some chopsticks before digging in.

I look around at everyone as I eat and see them all enjoying themselves before I lock eyes with Suho, who is already looking at me. I smile at him before I blush and turn back to the girls and join in the conversation where I can.

- - - - -

It is now the next day and we are currently sat around a lie detector with rubber hammers in our hand, playing a game.

"Kim Sihyun!! Do you think of yourself as a princess?! 1! 2! 3!" Hyunkyu asks

"No!" She yells and it buzzes so we all hit her with the hammers and it her turn.

"Lee Suho!! Have you ever kissed anyone?! 1! 2! 3!"

He is silent and his time runs out so he is hit as well

"Love or friendship!" Suho asks and pushes the lie detector to Seojun.

"Love," He answers and it ping to say he's telling the truth.

"Must he bit that cheesy! Get him!" Sua ells and we all hit him anyway.

"But it's the truth! Am I handsome?" He asks to Sujin and when she replies "Yes", she receives a shock, making us all laugh whilst she gets hit by the hammers.

"Yoo Taehoon or Eighteen?" She asks to Sua.

"Of course my darling," she says and doesn't receive a shock but both Taehoon and Sua receive hit for being coupley.

"Jugyeong is there someone you like?!" She then asks

"Yes!!" She shouts confidently but receives an electric shock from the lie detector and looks confused as she gets hit.

"Violet, have you ever gone swimming naked." She yells.

"Maybe," I whisper.

"Yes or no?!" Ju tells me

"Okay, fine. Yes I have," I say and the lie detector pings to say I'm telling the truth.

"Really? When?" Sua asks, shocked.

"When I lived in America with some friends of mine. Moving on!! Taehoon, have you ever wanted to break up with Sua?!" I ask.

"No," He says, confidently but gets shocked.

"Again," Sua says, asking him the question 2 more times but both times he gets shocked.

"I see! So you wanted to break up with me?! Its over!!" She yells and runs off so we go after her, trying to tell her its just a stupid game that shocks at random but she doesn't listen to us.

I decide to go for a walk to give Sua some space and when I walk round the corner, I see Jugyeong crouched down holding something.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she jumps up and hides it.

"Oh, it's just you. I want to see if this device actually works," She says, pouting.

"Here, I'll help you. Ask me a question," I say and put my hand on the device.

"Mmm... Do you like someone?" She asks me and I freeze before answering

"Yes," I say and it takes the device a few seconds but it pings saying it's the truth.

"Really? Who do you like?" She questions.

"Ummm..." I say trying to think of an excuse but I can't think of anything.

"What are you doing?" I hear and we hide the thing before turning around

"Suho!!" We both say and smile awkwardly.

"Nothing. We'll get going," I say and me and Ju start to head to our tent.

"Violet." He says and I stop and turn to him.

"Can you... follow me?" He requests and I turn to Jugyeong and tell her I'll be back soon before following Suho to the woods , worried about what he wants to talk about.

High School Sweethearts ~ Lee Suho Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن