Family cuddles

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I sit laughing and chatting with mine and Alex's friends in our spacious garden. We're huddled around our patio heated to keep warm. I feel a small hand tugging on my arm and I look down to see Y/d/n.


"Hi, bubba. What's the matter?" I ask, lifting her onto my lap.

"Can't sleep. I need cuddles." She pouts.

My heart melts at her sweetness. When she has trouble sleeping, she has either me or Alex lay with her until she can fall asleep. It helps her to relax, knowing that we're right there.

"Aww, sweetie." I sigh.

Just then, Alex walks back outside and notices y/d/n. He moves over to us and crouches down besides my chair.

"What's wrong?" He questions.

"She can't fall asleep. She says she needs cuddles." I explain, holding her small frame to me.

"Ahh. You want daddy to take you up, baby?" He offers.

She nods, making grabby hands for him. He lifts her into his arms, placing a kiss on her cheek. She rests her tired head on his shoulder.

"Say night-night to everyone." Alex tells her.

Everyone shouts a goodnight and she waves. Miles stands up and kisses her cheek. Y/d/n goes all silly and buries her head in Alex's chest. We all laugh at her shyness as Alex walks off with her. We sit outside for another hour or so, before people begin to leave.

"Alex never did come back down did he?" Miles chuckles, while I'm seeing him off at the door. "Y/d/n's got him wrapped around her little finger."

"She has." I smile.

Locking the door, I yawn due to it being late. I decide to head straight up to bed.

"Al? Alex?" I call in a whisper, walking into Y/d/n's bedroom.

Immediately, I spot him. He's sprawled out on the bed with Y/d/n attached to his body. Her little hand is grabbing ahold of his, as she cuddles up to his side. I smile at the sight. Moving closer, I kiss Y/d/n's head and then I lean down to Alex and push my lips softly onto his. I watch as his eyes open at the feeling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, baby. I just wanted a goodnight kiss." I apologise.

"Oh it's okay. C'mere." He says, pulling me back down for another kiss. "I fell asleep. 'as everyone gone 'ome?"

"Yeah. They've all left now. I'm going to bed now. Are you gonna stay in here? I think you should 'cause someone will be annoyed if she wakes up and her daddy's not there." I joke, gesturing to our sleeping daughter.

He sits up, laying her down, to stretch his back.

"Only if you get in 'ere too. I don't like knowing you're in the other room and I'm not there with you." He pouts to persuade me to stay.

"It's cramped in here, Al."

"Please, baby, please." He whines.

I give in, change into some pyjamas and climb in besides Alex. I cuddle y/d/n to my front, whilst Alex wraps his arms around us from behind me.

"It is a bit of a squeeze." Alex chuckles.

"Mmm, but it's cosy." I hum, drawing delicate shapes on Alex's arm with my finger.

He agrees, relaxing his body more. We fall asleep, feeling safe together.

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