Over-working yourself

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Looking up, I notice Alex walking into my home office with two plates in his hand.

"Dinner for my darlin'." He announces, kissing my cheek.

He places the two plates down on the table.

"Aww, thank you. This looks delicious."

He sits with me and we tuck in to the dinner that he made for us.

"It's getting late now are you nearly finished?" He asks.

"Not yet. I still have some more to get on with." I sigh.

"Can't you do it tomorrow?" He suggests. "Baby, you've been nonstop working for the past few days. You need some time away from it, especially now that you're working from home."

"I'm fine. As soon as I've done this last little thing, I'll come and lay with you on the sofa."

We finish up our dinner together and he takes away the plates. I go back to my work and without realising it another two hours go by. By now it's late and I can't stop yawning. Resting my head on my desk, I close my eyes for a second.

"Alright that's enough, Y/n." Alex says sternly as he enters, not realising that I'm already half asleep.

He makes his way over to me and runs his fingers through my hair soothingly. I feel him lift me from my chair and I wrap my legs around him.

"You shouldn't be doing this, it's so bad for you." He mumbles, kissing my head.

I hum in response. Inhaling his scent, I relax into him more. He carries me upstairs and lays me on our bed.

"Al, my pyjamas." I murmur sleepily, wanting him to help me change into some comfy clothes.

"I know, baby."

Carefully, he pulls my trousers and top from me. He replaces them with some soft pyjamas. I climb under the covers and reach my hand out for him. He falls down next to me, getting under the covers and pulling me to him. Nuzzling into his neck, I move his hand so that it holds my thigh. I breathe out onto his warm skin and his body shivers at the feeling. I bring my hand up and caress his smooth hair.

"You're gonna 'ave a lay in tomorrow and you're also gonna finish work at normal time. You need sleep." He orders.

"Okay, love."

The feeling of his soft skin against mine as his fingers run lightly up and down my thigh lulls me to sleep. I drift off happily in his arms.

Short but sweet✨

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