You're ill & he looks after you

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I blow my nose, as I'm laying on the sofa with blankets surrounding me. I came home from work early today because I feel ill. I've been laying on the sofa, covered in blankets, watching Disney films all afternoon. It's now seven o'clock and Alex is due home soon. The sound of a key in the door alerts me and I'm excited to see who's on the other side.

"I'm home, love." Alex calls out to me.

A happy Alex walks into the living room, but his smile falls from his face when he sees me.

"Hi." I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly, coming to sit next to me.

"I don't feel well." I pout.

"Aww, baby." He mumbles, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. "You're burning, darlin'. You've gotta take some of these blankets off."

He attempts to pull them away, but I stop him.
"Stop! I'm freezing." I resist.

"Have you taken anything?" He asks, pulling me onto his lap.

"No. I didn't think we had anything." I say into his neck, as I snuggle up to him.

"Tell me how you feel."

"My head hurts, I've got a runny nose, I'm freezing, my body's aching, I've got a sore throat and I'm sad."

"Why are you sad, baby?" He asks, kissing my temple.

"'Cause we was gonna go on a date tonight and now we can't, but I wanna go."

"We can order takeaway. You've got a cold. We can go on a date when you're better. I'm gonna go to the shop and get you some medication." He says, holding my hand under the covers.

"Alright. Can you get me some sweets and chocolate too please, love?"

"Yeah ok. I'll FaceTime you when I get there so you can pick what you want."

"Ok. Hurry back." I whine, as he stands up and softly lays me back down on our large sofa.

"I will, sweetheart. Gimme a kiss."

He leans down to me, but I shake my head.
"I can't. You'll get sick."

"I'm ok. I never get sick. Now come on, I need a little kiss."

I push my lips to his and he sighs into the kiss. I pull away, but he holds the back of my head and softly pushes me back.

"Why are you being needy? What's the matter?" I question him, confused.

"I had a stressful day at work today and I was excited to see you, beautiful."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Al."

I kiss his cheek one last time before he's out the door.

He gets back not long after he left, holding a lot of food and some medicine. By the time he's back I feel a lot worse and my eyes are watery. I'm on the verge of crying. He sits down next to me and opens his arms for me.

"You really don't feel good do you, baby?" He says sadly, wiping the stray tears that had fallen down my cheeks.

"No." I sob, burying my head in his warm neck.
He strokes my back and hushes me in my ear.

"Sit up and have some medicine. It'll make you feel better." He whispers.

I sit up and he gives me the medication. I sink back into him.

Alex's PoV:

I watch her as she whimpers and snuggles back up to me. I can tell the difference between when she doesn't feel well and when she feels absolutely horrible. I look down at her, with her eyes shut, and sigh.

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