Needing him in the night

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My eyelids flutter open and the first thing I recognise is Alex's warm body lying next to me. I squirm around in his hold, trying to get comfortable. He grunts and turns his back to me. I push myself into his back, trying to warm myself up using his body heat. I desperately need to go to the toilet.

"Alex?" I whisper, pulling his shoulder so he rolls onto his back.

He ignores my call and instead pulls me down onto him again.

"Baby?" I repeat. "I need you."

I lean up and repeatedly kiss his face.

"Yes, darlin'?" He huffs.

"I need to go a wee." I whine, sitting up and shaking his arm to get him to come.

"Off you go then." 

He attempts to go back to sleep, I stop him.

"But I'm scared."

He opens one eye and looks at me.

"You need me to protect you?" He chuckles lowly.

I run my fingers over his arm. I love his voice when he's tired. It's all deep and sexy.

"Yes." I smile down at him. "You get out of bed first and carry me, please?"

He agrees and climbs out of bed, picking me up afterwards with a soft grunt. I wrap my arms and legs around him and rest my head on his shoulder. The air is freezing outside of the covers. His body heat is the only thing keeping me warm.

"You're so warm." I moan, pouting as he places me down beside the toilet.

I sit on the toilet and he watches me, shaking his head.

"What?" I ask.

"You're such a little scaredy cat." He chuckles. "Waking me up to take you to the toilet. You want me to wipe you as well?"

"Oh shush. You love me being dependent on you." I roll my eyes and wash my hands.

"Maybe, a little bit."

I stand in front of him and reach upwards to his head. I run my finders through his soft locks and kiss his rosy lips.

"You've gotta keep me warm." I whine, reaching up for him.

He bends down and picks me up again. He slides me back into bed and I shoot under the covers. He climbs in beside me and spoons me instantly.

"Go back to sleep now, love." He murmurs into my hair.

After a few minutes of trying to get back to sleep, my mouth feels really dry. I reach my hand behind me and play with Alex's hair.

"Al?" I whisper, innocently.

He hums in response.

"I'm soooooo thirsty."

"That's nice." He bluntly replies.

"Please come downstairs with me?" I plead.

"For fuck sake." He groans.

"Fine I'll go alone and be scared and cold without you." I sigh, sliding out of his hold slightly.

He pulls me back.

"Fine. I'll come."

I smile and roll out of bed with him behind me. I shiver and push my back to his front.

"Bloody hell, darlin'" he moans, as I push against his crotch.

"Sorry, I'm cold."

His arm snakes around my front and holds me against him. It rests just underneath my chest. We walk downstairs together. Alex's breathing is deep and heavy, which comforts me a lot. He turns the kitchen light on for us and grabs two cups.

"Do you want squash or water?" I ask.


We make juice for us and then go back up to bed together. I sit next to him, laying down, and drink my juice.

"Ok I'm ready for sleep again." I announce.

"Finally." he whispers. "Now come 'ere."

He pulls me down and situates me in front of him.

"Night, my love." I sigh.

"Night, darlin'" he whispers, getting comfortable and sliding his hand up my top.

"Ohhh that feels nice." I hum at the warmth of his hand against my skin.

Thank you for reading😁

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