He needs you

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Alex trails behind me, with his head leaning on my shoulder, as we get onto the bus. It's a hard time for him right now. I want to be there for him. Even though we broke up I still love him. I want to take care of him tonight. Do whatever he needs me to do. We tap our cards and walk up the stairs. It's late, so the bus is practically empty. I sit right at the front and Alex lets out a shaky breath as he sits down next to me. His eyes are red and puffy. His hair isn't its usual slicked back self, it's soft and fluffy. His usual top and leather jacket are replaced by a comfortable jumper. He leans his head on my shoulder almost instantly. I reach out for his hand and squeeze it. His eyes fall shut, as he relies on me to help him get home. It's about a half an hour journey.

"We're almost here, sweetheart." I whisper to him, rubbing his thigh.

He groans and opens his eyes. He seems so vulnerable and innocent right now. We press the stop button and make our way downstairs. Walking to his house, I wrap my arm around his waist. Whilst I open the door, he clings on to the back of my top. We walk inside, he locks the door and goes straight upstairs. I hesitantly follow him. I stand at his doorway, as he slides his top and trousers off.

"Alex love, I'm gonna leave now. Do you want me to come back tomorrow morning and make you breakfast?" I offer.

He sighs, shaking his head and sleepily makes his way towards me. He wraps his arms around me and leans his forehead on mine, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Please don't leave me alone. I need you with me." He mumbles.

I nod. He pulls me along with him to the bathroom and we brush our teeth together. He then hands me a top of his. I thank him as I put it on and he climbs into bed. He watches me slide my clothes off, his eyes full of lust. We make eye contact and he slowly makes his way back to me. His hands land on my waist. His eyes never leaving mine, until his head dips down to my neck. He doesn't kiss me, just breathes me in. I play with the hair on the back of his head softly.

"I never stopped loving you." He mumbles into my neck.

I breathe in deeply.

"Neither did I." I reply, carefully. "We can talk when you're feeling better about things. Ok, my love?"

"Alright, but my feelings towards you won't change. They never do, darlin'." He admits.

I take him off of me slowly and I unclip my bra. I slide it off and he takes it in his hand. I feel comfortable with him watching me do this, I always have. He hands me his top and I place it over my tired body. I take his hand in mine and lead him to the bed. He gets under the covers and I follow, switching off the lights. He slides towards me as soon as I'm in. I cradle his exhausted body in my arms, kissing his temple.



"Tell me you love me?"

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you too." He sighs in content, sinking into my embrace.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, my love."

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