He's unwell

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I slide into bed after a long day.

"Al, can you budge over please?" I whisper into his ear, kissing his nose.

He groans and rolls the other way onto his side. He hasn't been feeling well for the past couple of days, so I've been looking after him. I run my hand down his side and close my eyes. After a while he turns around and burrows his head into my chest. I get comfortable with him wrapped around me and rub his bare back soothingly.

"You ok, baby?" I ask.

"No." He sniffs, lifting his head up to look at me. "I think I've got flu or something. My head hurts really bad still."

"When did you last take a tablet?"

"About five o'clock."

"Oh, we'll no wonder you feel bad. I'll get you some night nurse." I say, sitting up.

I grab him some water and medicine.

"Sit up, so that you can take it." I instruct, handing him the medicine.

He drinks it and pulls a disgusted face.

"Ugh. I feel so ill. I never get ill. Please can you rub that stuff on my chest? Like you did yesterday. It helps."

I nod and get the vapour rub. He already has no top on so I kneel next to him and rub it on his hot chest. He groans as I do so, letting me know that he likes it. I run my other hand through his hair to get it out of his face.

"You're burning. Let me open the window."

I go to move, but he grabs my arm.

"No I'm cold. Please don't." He pleads.

"I'll open it and you can get under the covers. You need fresh air anyway."

He huffs as I open it and climb back in bed with him. I turn away from him in an attempt to try and sleep, but he's pushing his head into my neck in no time.

"I'm cold." He complains.

"Mmmm, shhhh." I try to soothe him, reaching back and stroking his hair.

"Baby." He groans, persistently.

"Shut the window yourself then if you really want it shut." I snap back.

The more tired I get the more agitated I am. He kisses my shoulder and shuts the window. Getting back in bed with me, he turns his back to me. I squash myself up against his back and run my hands up and down his front.

"I'm sorry, love. 'M just tired." I apologise.

He nods, accepting my apology. Kissing his shoulder, I hear him sigh out of comfort. We drift off to sleep contently.

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