On the verge of breaking up

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I walk into our house, exhausted. Alex's car is outside so he must be home. I hear the shower running upstairs. I walk upstairs to say hello to Alex.

"Al? I'm home." I announce, opening the bathroom door. "Oh! What's the matter?"

My concern grows as I spot Alex sitting outside of the shower, fully clothed, sobbing into his hands. I move closer to him and try to console him by rubbing his back.

"Please talk to me, sweetheart?" I plead.

"Can you just leave me alone?" He mumbles.

"Pardon? Sorry I can't understand what you're saying, my love." I ask in disbelief of what I thought I just heard.

"Y/n, go away." He says louder, looking up at me. "Get out."

He ends up shouting at me to leave. I stand up and quickly scurry out. I close the bathroom door and frown. That was strange. Usually he comes to me if he has a problem. Maybe I'm the problem this time. I walk downstairs and make a start on our dinner. About an hour later, I'm finished. I lay the table and sit eating alone, whilst Alex's food is opposite me. Just as I'm about to put his food in the microwave, he comes downstairs. He avoids eye contact with me and sits down. We eat in silence, just the low volume television in the background.

"Thank you." He murmurs.

"You're welcome."

I watch him as he clears away our plates. Him being like this is putting my stomach in knots.



"Do you think maybe you wanna watch a film together?" I question, awkwardly.

"Yeah okay. If you want to." He replies.

I move to the front room and sit on the sofa, flicking through films. I settle on one as he returns.

"This one?" I ask.


His replies are blunt. He sits on the other side of our corner sofa, away from me. We sit quietly throughout the film as I edge myself closer to him. I end up right next to him and I reach down to hold his hand. He lets me. I turn to him. He doesn't look at me.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk to me about why you're upset, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you always. If it's about me then I'm really sorry for whatever it is that I did to upset you. If you tell me I'll change and- um- if there is someone else then that's ok too. I just want you to be honest with me 'cause all I want is for you to be happy." I explain, a tear running down my cheek at the last part.

He sighs and turns to me. I quickly wipe away any tears that escaped down my face.

"There is no one else I'd rather be with than you. I just had a bad day. I'm sorry for shouting at you. That was wrong and I shouldn't 'ave done it."

"Thats ok. I thought that maybe we could sit and have a chat about what's on both of our minds, so then we could help each other. I found this method online of how to help each other relax-"

"I'm okay. We don't need to do that. I've already spoken to Marissa about it on the phone when I was upstairs." He says, shutting down my idea.

"Oh okay."

I feel slightly hurt that he'd rather speak to another woman about his problems, but I don't want to be pushy. I let go of his hand and move away again. I don't want him to feel pressured if he said he didn't want to.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I was just giving you some space. I understand if you don't want my help. I'll just leave you be. It's ok."

I smile slightly at him. He nods, confusedly. For the next few days, he's been on the phone a lot. We haven't spoken about the situation anymore. We've barely touched each other and at night he turns away from me.

Tonight when he came home he was very happy and he kissed me a lot. I smiled and laughed along, but I still felt a sense of discomfort. Now I slide into our bed on my side with him. Immediately, I turn away from him because that's what he's been doing for the past few nights and now I've got the hang of it. I feel his hand on my side.

"Why are you turning away from me?" He frowns.

"Because, Alex, that's the way things are now." I respond.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean every night since that night when you was upset, you've got into our bed and faced the other way. You've paid no attention to me or our relationship and I don't want to be needy, but you're starting to make me feel really lonely." I sigh, letting everything out.

He doesn't reply, so I climb out of bed and leave. I move to the spare room, lock the door and climb into the cold, empty bed. My eyes sting before I allow myself to cry. I hate this whole situation. I don't know what to do anymore. I fall asleep, exhausted after crying for so long.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon. I ignore the delicious smells and have a shower. I get changed into some clothes that I have in the spare room and I unlock the door. Stepping out, I cautiously move to our bedroom. He's not in there, so I pick out a bag and throw some stuff into it. Last night I was talking to my best friend and she said I should stay there for a few nights to make myself feel better. I walk downstairs, carrying my bag. As I approach the front door, Alex appears behind me.

"Where are you going?" He asks, worried.

"Just to stay at my friend's house. Not for long just so that I can try to feel more normal and happy. I need some company." I shrug.

"I can keep you company. Like I usually do." He argues.

"You haven't done that for a while now. Maybe you need to think about what you really want. Whether you can still see a future with me or not. I won't blame you if you don't want that. It's your choice."

He moves closer to me and takes my hands, throwing the bag away from us.

"I want you. I want us. I've never not wanted that."

"You don't even talk to me anymore, Alex. For some reason you don't trust me as much as you did and that's fine, but I'm not living with a one sided relationship. I can't."

"It's not one sided. It won't be. I'll make more effort, I'll show you how much I love you more, I'll hold you more, I'll talk to you more and I'll make you feel the same way. I promise to you, baby. I can't lose you, please." He pleads, resting his forehead on mine.

His head dips down to my neck, where he kisses and nuzzles his head. I wrap my own arms around him and cuddle him tight.

"It's alright, Al. I want you, I just want to make sure that you want me too. I'll be back tomorrow."

"No. Please stay. Don't go. I can't handle being without you after what just happened. Can't you just go in a few days time. So we can mend our relationship properly? I love you so much."

"Ok I'll stay. I don't wanna sound irritating, but things have to change Alex. If we both wanna stay in this relationship then we've gotta put some effort into it and the rest should just come naturally." I explain.

He nods and I feel his tears dripping onto my neck, causing me to tear up. He lifts his head back up and pushes his mouth to mine. Bending down, he lifts me off of the ground and walks me into the kitchen. He places me on a stool and only then do our lips part.

"I made you breakfast." He sniffs.


I open my arms for him again. I take his face in my hands and I wipe away his tears, kissing his nose.

"We're ok. I promise you, my love. I love you. So please don't be upset. I hate it. Thank you for breakfast, it's lovely." I say.

"You're welcome. It's just all very overwhelming. After breakfast can we sit and talk about everything. Like what happened the other day."

I nod. He sits next to me and we share the breakfast that he made, giggling and kissing.

This one was kinda sad, but it has a happy ending! 🥺

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